capturing a moment


I am just back from a planning retreat for Women's ministries at my church.  I went with such an amazing group of women, some I've know a while and a few new friends.  I have to admit I was a little nervous to be going, wondering just what I would have to offer.

It turns out those nerves were totally in vain.  From the moment we piled into the car for the hour long drive to the hotel we would be staying at I felt completely at ease.  As our time together went on it was clear we all had a purpose in being there.

Before we left on our trip I put together these little canvas memory journals for each us.

Nothing fancy and only a few pages with just enough room to record a thought or two.

I took a few pictures while we were there and printed them out on my home printer on inexpensive photo paper at wallet size as soon as I got home.  They fit perfectly on the photo page.

I added a thought or two on the journal side and in less than a half an hour I have captured a few of my favorite moments from the retreat.

Sometimes I think we can over complicate memory keeping books.  I have been guilty of this I know.  I plan out these elaborate pages and wait to send out for my photos to be professionally developed and never get around to putting the album together.

Sometimes a quick snapshot and a few words is all it really takes to remind us of the special times in our lives.

xo, Patty


  1. Oh how lovely. Very artistic you are. Glad your nerves calmed down. I am sure you did pray.

  2. How lovely. I have to admit to feeling quite envious of you all for your trip together. Just what is needed in busy women's lives!! I LOVE the little journals too. What a good idea! I haven't written a blog for sometime but have often popped in to see what you are doing. So glad to be in touch again. Joan

  3. Found your lovely blog whilst bloghopping! I love the simplicity and folk art of your precious journal. Great that you are able to meet up with like minded women. Love Pat x

  4. What a sweet keepsake of a fun time. I like those journals. xoxo,Susie

  5. I adore these!! You have inspired me. :)

  6. What beautiful, creative journals you created - and what lucky ladies to be the recipients! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time on your retreat.

  7. Those memory books are so gorgeous. I know that the ladies will cherish them!!!!

  8. Patty- What wonderful memory keeping! I just love it and I know they will be well loved! xo Diana

  9. I'm sure the ladies will love the Memory Books. A sweet reminder of a wonderful weekend with new and old friends! What a sweet gesture.


  10. Those books are darling! Glad you had a good time!
    xo Kris

  11. Very cool memory books Patty! Your art is so charming. Good for you for planning for a women's ministry. Our church used to have one, but as the ladies got older it kin of went by the wayside. I was just talking to a friend today and we were agreeing that women's ministry is very important and needs to be reinstated.

  12. Patty, your books are beautiful and so personal! What a lovely gift for new friends!


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