craft party preparation

Back at the beginning of January I took a pretty pen and lined through the entire last week of the month so that I would have plenty of time to do the preparation work and cleaning before my first craft workshop of the year tonight.

I spent December perusing pinterest looking for all things Valentine, narrowed it down to a few doable favorites and used the entire month of January cutting and gluing and making cute things whenever I had a little free time.  That left this last week of the month to get the house ready and bring it all together.

I can't tell you what a difference this made.  I am usually frantic the two days prior to an event or party with never enough time to get it all done.  This time I set myself little time marks and adjusted my plans and expectation based on real time...not Patty's imaginative head time.

I've learned the hard way that if I leave it until the last minute (although I am good under pressure) I don't get to do all the fun things I have planned.

So many fun cute things...

I can't wait to show it all to you next week and give you a few easy tips and ideas on hosting your own craft party.  It is the best way to make new friends or spend a fun night with old ones.

Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, This all sounds so fun. I hope it goes smoothly for you and your friends. Can't wait to see what you are making. xoxo,Susie

  2. Patty, I think this sounds like so much fun! I hope it is the best time ever!

  3. Am anxious to see what you did and to hear some of your tips and ideas. I would love to have my own "crop" or craft party but it always stresses me out! I've taught a few classes, but takes SO MUCH TIME to prepare.... anything you can help us with would be great! Have a fun night!

  4. I can't wait to hear more! You are such an inspiration!

  5. So sweet (and organized)...cannot wait to see pictures of your craft party!

  6. "Patty's imaginative head time"! I can so relate to that. Hope it was a great time!


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