glorious sunshine and fashion Wednesday


We are in the midst of some unseasonably warm weather (even by California standards) here on the West Coast lows in the high 40's and highs in the mid 80's.  Too warm for winter really but a day or two is rather glorious, anymore than that and I might be singing a different tune.

I have started cutting back my roses a little each week but when they are still producing pretty blooms its kind of difficult to make those cuts.  But I know if I don't trim them now they won't be at their best in the Spring.

Enough about the weather and gardening, let's talk fashion.  If you have visited my "My Style" board on pinterest no doubt you have seen the many images I've pinned of blazers both casual and dressed up.

When I was a working girl I had blazers in every color but when I stopped working outside the home I purged them thinking I wouldn't have need of them.  Well what do you know, I do...

After pricing a couple of new ones, even at sale prices I knew I wasn't willing to invest the money they cost at this time, so I did what any budget conscious fashion seeking girl would do, I headed to the Goodwill.

I admit it took me three different thrift stores but I found great blazers that fit nicely in black, red and off white for around $5.00 each.

What a boost they give to an already nice outfit.  They polish them off perfectly.

I am having so much fun with these fashion Wednesday posts. I hope you are, too.  It is really fun searching my closet and jewelry racks for just the right thing to wear.  Now it's your turn.  Do you own any blazers?  Do you wear them with jeans and boots or just dress them up?

xo, Patty

grey jeans - the loft
white lace tee - the loft
necklace - kohls
earrings - target
booties - kohls
black blazer - thrift store

blue jeans - Kohls
white blouse - thrift store
booties - Macy's
red blazer - thrifted

I'm joining The Pleated Poppy and Get Your Pretty On


  1. Patty, I loved your roses in the jars. :) To me a great fashion statement is and always will be a wonderful fitted pair of jeans, black blazer and crisp white shirt worn with plenty of gold jewelry or silver. You can wear this anywhere...well maybe not for evening parties. Blessings, xox,Susie

  2. Great job with the blazers! I still have a few from working .. just have to remember to get them out. :)

  3. Love it! Now you are making me want to go the thrift store.

  4. Wowza! You look HOT!!!!!!! Love the red blazer especially!!!!
    XO Kris

  5. This is why I like reading blogs. Here I am in IN with lower than normal temps {it's 0 today with winds making it feel like -40!} & I open your blog & read about your beautiful, still blooming roses! Ahh. That sounds wonderful about right now. Made me forget about the cold for just a second ;) Nice finds at Goodwill, btw.

  6. As usual, Patty, you are rockin' it with your fashion ideas. I used to have blazers when I worked too. Everything old is new again is all I can say. ( meaning the blazers. lol) Thrift store finds are the best!!

  7. Hi Patty, Nice jackets. My favorite all time outfit is a nice blazer with a button down white shirt and jeans. You can wear that just about anywhere and feel well dressed :)
    Have a lovely day.
    Connie :)

  8. Send some of your CA warmth here to IL - we're having an Arctic blast right now! The sun is shining brightly here too, but it is -3 (-20 with the wind chill factor)! I do have a couple of jackets (they're not really blazers - I consider blazers more formal and like what you would wear as part of a business suit) but I rarely wear them. I'm just not very comfortable in them. If I wear something over a shirt, I tend to fall more towards cardigans or hoodies. Can't beat Goodwill - that's where my jackets are from too, and both are designer!

  9. Love your idea of a lace tee with the blazer! I had purged all of mine, but you have me inspired to get out and find one again. Cozied up today in a flannel shirt and Uggs for our 17 degree weather tonight :) Enjoy some sunshine for me!! xo, Andrea

  10. We have some sunshine today, (Thank goodness!) but the high is 14 degrees with a windchill expected to be around -25 tonight. Enjoy your unseasonably warm weather, in fact, if you have a guest room I'm thinking of coming and enjoying your weather myself! Lol
    Love the white shirt and jeans with pearls, so, so cute. I don't own any blazers, I have in the past and just never ended up using them! I do have a good collection of cardigans to layer though.

  11. Patty,
    I L O V E your Fashion Wednesdays, dear friend!!!
    I'm not a "jeans" kinda gal. . .but I've been finding some pants I LOVE!!!
    Little~by~little, I'm finding my wardrobe savvy since retirement.
    Clothing is an investment, so I'm only making necessary purchases!!!
    Thanks for sharing. . .and keep 'em comin'!!!

  12. I admit, I'm a teensy bit jealous of your warm temps! I think it was like 20 degrees or less here today which seems warm even compared to some of the other cities! But still…brrrrrr… I love your fashion posts! I admit, I have some cute blazers and haven't even worn them lately, reaching for a cardigan instead. But, you've motivated me to reach for a blazer next time! I especially like the red blazer on you! Keep up the good style work :)

  13. I love blazers and I love thrift stores! I have found so many wonderful pieces for $4 or $5! I just really love clothes and accessories! :)
    Found your blog from it!


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