kitchen revamp - progress report week one

I am making slow but steady progress on my kitchen revamp (emphasis on slow).  Starting can sometimes be almost overwhelming for me on a project as big as this.  I am much better at making plans over coffee than I am about implementing them.

Since I knew I didn't want to tackle painting the cabinets until next week, I decided to start purging and reorganizing what's staying in them instead.   I figured starting clockwise was as good a plan as any so I began with the food pantry.

The first thing I did was take everything out and start checking dates and tossing.  I always feel guilty for the amount of food that doesn't get used before the expiration date.  My general rule of thumb for non perishables is six months after the "use by" date. Anything older than that gets tossed immediately otherwise I move it to the front to get used as soon as possible.

I purchased a set of these white stacking shelves for $8.00.  Not only did they pretty much double the size of my shelf but I was amazed at how much they helped in the organization of cans.  If you remember, I was storing soda and water on the floor beside my pantry.  By rearranging and stacking I was able to make room for the water bottles and liters of soda on the bottom shelf.  I also cleared some space in the hall closet for larger bulk items that I'll share later.

I gave my daughter a shelf for baby food and the food she buys for her own snacking.  (Yes, she can eat anything she wants in the house but she likes her own stash of junk food.)  This cleared off much of the main kitchen counter top where they were kept before and gave her a personal storage area...a definite win, win.

I can't tell you how good it feels to open the door and see everything in order.  It has me excited to keep going throughout the entire house, as well.

I am hoping to finish off the rest of the cabinets today so that next week I can focus on painting.  I am a little intimidated by the whole process of prepping and painting the cabinets but I've read a few tutorials and I think I'm ready to tackle the job.  I'll be back next Friday with another progress report.

Have a great weekend.

xo, Patty


  1. Great start on a big job! You can do it. :)

  2. I like the feeling we get when the cupboards are straightened out and everything is visible at a glance. It makes it so much easier to find what you need quickly and lets you know what you might be out of. I need to do a bit of straightening in our cupboards before they get out of hand.

  3. You have a great start by organizing! I give you a lot of credit for doing the job of painting the cabinets. I would love to do mine, but am totally intimidated, too! Especially since I have so many cabinets. If it were only a few, perhaps I'd actually do it.

  4. Yes it feels good to get the pantry area organized. Always makes me feel more relaxed. Anxious to see your cabinets after they are painted.

  5. Hi Patty. You are well on your way to a better functioning kitchen!! Love it so far and can't wait to see the rest!!!!! Especially the cabinet painting, as I am researching that myself!
    Miss you
    XO Kris

  6. Patty,
    Today's the day. . .you're on your way!!!
    Doesn't matter where you begin or where you end. . .things are already taking GREAT shape, dear friend!!!
    The first six months after I retired from employment outside the home,
    I cleaned and edited every closet, cupboard, drawer, shelf. . .and it was "the BEST" thing I have ever done!!!
    Sounds as if you're getting there, too!!!
    Focus on the prize ahead!!!
    It's going to look marvelous, darling!!!

  7. Organizing is hard work....good for you!

  8. I know that feeling all too well. Did the very same thing recently and my son tackled the fridge.
    Your cupboards look great! It is so much easier to see food when it is organized.



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