the gift of Christmas

I am getting ready to start my final day of baking before we head out to spend Christmas Day tomorrow at my mom's with my brothers and sister and their families.  I wanted to take a minute before my sink fills with measuring cups and spoons and the flour starts flying to wish all of you the very merriest Christmas. 

I pray that you feel loved and cherished by those around you and that you know and accept the unblemished love of the Savior Child who's gift to mankind was to be born willingly for the very purpose of dying for you personally. 

In this season of trying to achieve perfection there is such comfort in knowing that His love is matter how many times you mess up, how you might disappoint, what unkind words just slip out of your mouth or impure thoughts pop up in your head...YOU ARE LOVED!  Isn't that the best gift of all?

Merry Christmas!
xo, Patty


  1. Patty,
    Yes, indeed His unconditional Love is the Best Gift of All!!!
    Merry Christmas, dear friend!!!

  2. Patty, Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  3. Oh Patty, what a beautiful post!! Yes, His gift is my very very best ever received and I treasure with all my heart!! Merry Christmas, my sweet sweet friend!! Love you, Carolyn

  4. Such a beautifully said post. Why do we search for our loved ones the perfect gift for Christmas when It has already been sent to us in Christ! Merry Christmas!!!! Love the framed Merry Christmas!

  5. Thanks for this "comforting" message. Merry Christmas Patty.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Patty.



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