hello saturday

Hello Saturday.  You are the cap to what has been a fun filled holiday week.  After spending time with family and friends all week, today I am off to our hometown Christmas parade with my grandson and then over to a good friends for lunch with the girls.

I put together a couple of handmade gifts for them which I am so tempted to share with you but it will have to wait until Monday so as not to ruin the surprise.

Wednesday's brunch and shopping with my mom and sis in law was so much fun.  I made my first quiche for them (which was so easy and quite yummy) along with some Trader Joe's cranberry scones and fresh fruit.  Then we headed out for some shopping and a late lunch at my favorite bakery/bistro.

Thursday evening it was off for wine and appetizers with two of my favorite ladies.  The conversation always includes plenty of laughs and a few tears and usually ends up with me nodding off on the sofa while they keep right on talking.  I don't know what it is, whether it's the sound of their voices, the comfort of friends or the second glass of wine but as the night wears on my eyes always grow tired and I find myself in la la land before long.  It's a running joke now and I don't even try to hide my heavy eyelids from them.  I would say that's a sign of good friends wouldn't you?

I head into today feeling very blessed with where life has me in spite of my best attempts to create chaos from this relatively peaceful time in my life.  I hope this second week of December finds you content among people you love, too.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, You sure are staying busy. So much to do in so little time:):) I love your chicken with the tree. I am absolutely going to get me a tree like that one day. Hopefully after Christmas sale. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. What a fun time you've had! I would probably nod off too. What cute decorations you have, so festive!

  3. It's great to spend time with friends whose company you enjoy. Your home is looking festive and shiny. I'm glad you're opting for peace rather than chaos. Do drop over sometime, if you like.


  4. Now that is friendship when you feel so comfortable you can nod off and no one cares ;-)

  5. Sounds like your Christmas season is off to a fun start. A lot better than chaos for sure. Enjoy every minute.

  6. That sounds like a great way to spend a Saturday. Your house is looking merry and festive! Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

  7. I think that's lovely that you all feel so at ease with each other that reflecting upon ones inner eyelids is not frowned upon ;o) it's a sign of true friendship how lovely. I hope your lead up to and and including Christmas continues.

    Peg x


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