hello saturday

Hello Saturday, the very last Saturday of 2013.  You bring with you a week of the most glorious non winterish weather in the high 70's and we are basking in it.  The garden that I just weeded and pruned back is bursting with buds and new weeds alike.  But that's okay, I'm sure winter will turn up fashionably late, as this is Southern California after all.

I am in the midst of sickies at home and in my immediate family, with a bad bout of some sort of flu bug or cold virus (depending on who is describing the symptoms) with high fevers, chills, nausea, vomiting, headaches, coughing, sore throats and all manner of yucky feelings abounding.

So far, I have escaped with only a minor headache (and I think that may just be the result of playing nurse, a role I was not born to play) and I am hopeful that this bug will fly right over me.

I hope you and yours are fairing better and are happily enjoying the last hurrah of 2013.  If I stay healthy, I am off to my moms tomorrow for a last visit with my sister before she flies back to Texas.

Happy Saturday!

xo, Patty


  1. Patty that nasty stuff is going around our parts too and like you I have escaped it so far. Have a wonderful visit with your sister and Happy New Year.

  2. We are battling the same stuff here and have been since last Sunday. Christmas day is an unfortunate blur to me. spent mostly snoozing in my chair and blowing my nose. Here's hoping you stay well and that the New Year rings in with a healthy family!

  3. What part of TX does your sis live in? I haven't been sick so far this year.

  4. Imagine "winterish weather in the high 70's".
    Here in Western New York we are having weather in the high 7's . . .

  5. Oh how I would love to have a bloom or two in my garden. We had some heavy frosts that got even my most hearty plants. Praying you continue feeling well and that your family is all better now. Thanks so much for checking in at my blog. It meant a lot to me.

  6. Oh boy, I'm jealous! The landscape is so bleak around here - part and parcel of living in the northeast. Happy New Year to you and yours!


  7. I hope your family is feeling better now. Happy New Year to you, Patty.



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