sometimes an oreo cookie will do...

I worry about the silliest things.  Is that the true sign of a control freak?  I am beginning to think so.  With all the great big problems in the world I find myself obsessing over a situation that will not even be remembered in a month or two.

I hate that about myself. 

Every time I think I am making progress (you know, letting go and letting God) a little event or circumstance will come along and plop me right back to where I started from. 

Why is it that I think everything needs to line up in a neat row to make life easier?  Isn't it true that difficult situations teach us to be strong and to appreciate what we have? 

Sometimes we want life to hand us a freshly baked, loaded chocolate chip cookie when an Oreo will do.  Not only will it do, but it is actually just what we needed. 

Thanks for letting me I think I will take a deep breath, put this blip on the radar screen of life into perspective, and thank God for the Oreo cookie He provided.

xo, Patty do know the Oreo cookie is a metaphor don't you?  Just checking...


  1. Being a control freak, you must be a mom, ha ha. We need to let go but it is hard to do. I think the Oreo is a good direction to go.

  2. I do the same thing. Then can even remember what it was a few months down the road. I also want everything to line up in perfect rows. I need to learn how to stop doing this as it can drive me "nuts" at times. Especially when I see other people just taking things in stride and not obsessing about everything!

  3. Instead of lineups how about having two or death and the other.....small things. My motto is that all things are small except for death itself. Now that may seem pretty graphic but but think about it. Maybe it will help you put those little things seem easier.

  4. I'm right there with you. I like order, I like to control, etc. Those don't sound very nice either when you say them out loud. I'm working on sons are 21 and 24 and they are forcing it on me. :)

  5. Amen from one control freak to another. Now can you pass me an oreo? ;>)

  6. Hi Patty!! I've had my share of Oreos too...they're not so bad!! He knows what He's doing!!! For a long time, I have reminded myself in "the need to control" times, "in the light of eternity, what does this matter?" Puts things into perspective for me REAL fast!!

    Xoxo Carolyn

  7. Worry, worry, worry…yep, that's me too! I love this post Patty!

  8. Girl good thing we're getting together tonight. I am here for you if you need to talk.

  9. Of course... a metaphor. But who wouldn't like to eat a good metaphor every now and then? LOL Praying for peace in your heart, my friend -- and letting God. ;D

  10. I read than only 8% of what we worry about ever comes true.
    Pretty good odds that things will be okay

  11. My husband does this to me and I tell him to quiet his soul... I told him until it hits you in the face then you can bring it to the front of your brain and decide what the next step is going to be.. It's too hard for my life to get so excited..especially when it's things I have no control with. LOL Praying that you take oreo cookie apart and eat the lid first, scape off the goody with your teeth and then eat the bottom...Take a large sip of coffee and then take a deep breath.. Let God take whatever it is that you are worrying about and relax...he has it all covered..
    ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  12. I love your post! Thank you for the reminder!

  13. Sometimes it's hard for us to let go and let God. Oh, but when we do the peace that comes is beyond rewarding. We all do it . . . just like the Israelites in the dessert for forty years. Once we give up and agree with what God has for us, he brings us to the promise land :) Sweet, sweet peace. Hey, we are human and He knows us so well, aren't we all glad that He never gives up on us :)
    Have a lovely day,
    and keep smiling,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  14. So true...He is the one to dwell upon instead of worrying!


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