hello saturday


Hello Saturday with your cool 45 degree temps and your promise of rain.  What a perfect day to spend inside finishing up the last of my Christmas décor and clean up. 

I love the twinkling white lights and the crisp greens that adorn the cottage during this season.  While last year was all about minimal decorations and vintage goodness, this year is proving to be a more is more kind of year.

Including the miniatures, I have a grand total of ten trees lit up.  Yes, you heard me, ten trees.  I don't know what got into me but when I crawled up into the attic space to pull out a few things, one thing led to another and before I knew it, Christmas had exploded all over our little home.

It is a happy kind of explosion to be sure.

Don't you love my 55 Chevy pickup truck? 
I have wanted one...
My husband found this one at our local train store.  It was supposed to be dignified with a beautiful fir tree tied into the bed but my grandson beat me to it and loaded it full of some miniature wreaths and twine I had laying around, circa 1970's Fred Sanford.  I haven't had the heart to change it.

This coming week will be the busiest of the Christmas season for me.  My mom and sister in law are coming to visit and shop on Wednesday, I will be visiting my other sister in law Shelly on Thursday, going over to my good friend Elaine's for a potluck on Saturday and hosting dessert for family on Sunday.  Whew!

After that it will be quiet around here until Christmas day.  Of course, by quiet I mean no formal company but there will be plenty of baking and creating going on right up until Christmas Eve.

I know it's seems kind of strange but my happiness in the season is always tinged with a little sadness.  Perhaps it's missing those who are gone now, I don't know for certain.  Do you feel it, too?  What I do know is that the joy of Christmas by way of a Child being born is one joy that will never diminish.

Happy Joyous Saturday my friends!

xo, Patty


  1. More is good! Cheerful colors are good. All good!

  2. I, too, often have a sadness around Christmas. Wishing those in Heaven were here just for a little while, wishing things could be like they use to be, but then I remember the real reason for the season and that makes things feel much better.

    Happy Saturday to you.


  3. Ten trees! awesome! I decorated more this year than in previous years, probably because I got an early start on it in November and didn't feel under so much pressure and rush. I do understand the slight feeling of sadness. I think everyone's best Christmas times are years when our children are little and everything we do is reflected as delight and joy on their little faces. I miss that, although I hope I'll get a little of it back when we have grandkids. Happy Saturday Patty!

  4. Hi Patty! Oh, honey, I know the sadness around the edges of Christmas too. My little mother passed away 2 months ago and Christmas will feel a bit empty. 17 years ago my Daddy passed away on Dec. 13. He loved Christmas as much as any child. But the sweet memories of them will live on in my heart forever. I love your sweet vignette and I think I have that Rooster!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  5. The truck is just precious. Don't change it. :)

  6. You decorate so beautifully Patty!
    I can't wait till I have a minute to intently read all of these posts about the holidays and pour over the beautiful photos. <3

    1. Hi Patty, "Michael" is actually Mindy Rogers! lol I didn't realize I was logged in as my husband ;)

  7. Yes, I do love your 55 Chevy pick-up :) Christmas can bring back memories that make us sad, but remember that Christmas brings with it the light of the world and new beginnings . . . love those that are gone, and cherish those around you :)

  8. You really do have 10 trees up in your house?! You need to show us pictures of all of them! Yes, the holidays are always tinged with a little sadness. I miss my dad (gone 15 years), my grandpa and my great-aunt both of whom have passed recently, but most of all, my son who passed away 4 years ago. Can't believe this is going to be our 5th Christmas already without him.

  9. It was five degrees here and lower with wind chill! My decorating is done so i curled up with a book and a blanket!
    I love your little truck, it looks perfect. You must post all your trees!

  10. Ten trees,Patty? How cool is that? Very! You are in the spirit. Oh yes, thinking of all the loved ones who are no longer here (in a physical sense) always makes me sad. However, I carry them in my heart, as do you. Lovely little wreath-filled truck! Susan

  11. Oh Patty, I do wish I could say that today I am feeling joyous as well. It is catching up with me, I'm afraid. And today left me feeling blue. Although I adore the rain and cold weather, and hope it stays for a long while.
    I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the truck and most of all, the display in the back end. How perfect! I wouldn't change it either! I let Noah do whatever he wanted to the tree. He had a ball, and I can't seem to straighten it out either. It looks perfectly perfect to me!
    I will surely miss you ladies at Elaine's.
    XO Kris

  12. Patty I love it. Your house is a favorite of mine. It speaks to me. Yes this season always is bitter sweet. I miss my parents sooooo much as I listen to the music my daddy loved so much. But I am so loving the rituals and getting the house ready and Quinn is just bursting everyday over how many days left and this and that. I love it.

  13. I love that little red truck. I one coming from Hobby Lobby this week. For some reason I think they really look great in Christmas decorating. I love your blog.


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