the small things

I snapped a few pictures of the last of the miniature roses in the garden.  I hadn't noticed they were still blooming until I finished the fall clean up of the back perennial bed.   

I love the way the empty space in the garden looks after the weeds and spent flowers have been removed.

The emptiness provides my mind with the room to plan for next year.  My plans are usually a bit more selective than the riot of color that appears by late spring.  With each trip to the garden center I am enticed with the beauty of the flowers and my mind believes that more of a good thing is always better.

Sometimes gardens, and life for that matter, can get so overcrowded with the big stuff that it takes a major weeding and thinning out to appreciate the beauty of the small flowers that have been over shadowed by the larger showy ones. 

As I continue to purge the excess from my life, I am enchanted with the little blessings that keep popping up.  I hope when the promise of a new sunshiny spring comes along I will remember to be selective so that those small things never get lost again.

xo, Patty


  1. very pretty, and very excited to meet you tomorrow night!!!

  2. I have a hard time sticking to my plan at the garden nursery, too. So many possibilities! Your last roses are beautiful.

  3. I totally agree. We are taking things down in the den to paint and I am loving the emptier walls.

  4. Those are absolutely gorgeous!!! How nice to have something blooming. We are not so lucky- xo Diana

  5. Hi Patty! Oh, the roses are just beautiful!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Gorgeous ending to a lovely summer.........I am doing major de-cluttering so I understand what you mean!

  7. Wise words to remember. I don't know when I'll get around to cleaning up the beds.

  8. Downsizing to a little cottage made us purge and live with only those things we love and if there is too much in our little space, it is not pleasant. I like the idea of living with a little less.

  9. I love your analogy. I'm finding,of late, that I'm wanting a simpler, more laid back lifestyle. I think I need to do some pruning myself!

  10. Beautiful. See you tomorrow! Can't wait.
    xo Kris


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