starting the day and other random thoughts

I have been blogging for over four years and visiting with you here at Lemon Lane for the last two.  It's funny how a part of my life it's become and how easy it is to take it, and all of you, for granted. 

Every morning when I get up my computer is sitting on the counter waiting for me to open it up and greet the day.  It's amazing how quickly that ritual has firmly rooted itself into my life.  While the coffee is brewing I will check my favorite social media spots and slowly form a plan for the day.  Sometimes I get distracted (more times than not) and my quick check will turn into a half an hour.

Once my coffee is poured I will shut the lid on this grey distraction and head over to my favorite leather chair for my quiet time.  I am nothing if not a creature of habit...

After my first cup of coffee with Jesus, I top off my mug, head over to the kitchen table and scribble a few intentions in my day planner and reconnect with my cyber friends.  I look forward to reading your sweet comments (with the intention of replying but rarely the follow through, for this I am sorry) and head on over to your place to catch up with you.

Sometimes I feel guilty for the time I spend here.  Should I be doing something more productive than passing on pretty tidbits to my facebook friends or blogging about the random and menial things going on in my life? 

And so I try and imagine my life without all of you in it.  How would that time be spent, who would I be connecting with or encouraging?  What escape from the sometimes harsh realities of life would I have?

I firmly believe that we were created as relational creatures and that every generation has had their form of "coffee and girl talk", this is just ours.  Is there a need for balance and boundaries?  Should we set up time limits and make time for real life friendships?  Most definitely.  But is my time spent here wasted?  I don't think it is.

The joy, heartache, advice, encouragement and cyber friendships that I've formed on this little grey box have helped me stay connected in a way that wouldn't have been possible in real life.  There is no way I could have visited with all of you in person and I would have spent the whole day on the phone trying to catch up on all of your news without the Internet.

And how would I have updated you on the fact that I have six little pumpkins growing in my pumpkin patch and shared this sweet little pyrex bowl full of cherry tomatoes that my grandson picked for me this weekend.  And who would have looked at the seven pictures I took of them? You know, the important stuff...

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject and whatever else is new in your life.

xo, Patty


  1. Sweet moments, sweet thoughts, Patty. Yes, blogging sure has opened many doors for many of us. Like you, I am a creature of habit...however my habit of loving to sit at the computer to blog hop and leave comments has been put aside because of the demands of work. I do try to catch up with everyone when there is a free moment.

    Have a beautiful rest of the week.



  2. Great post! I totally agree....sometimes my balance is a little off......some days I spend hours reading blogs....but...I don't hardly watch t.v. at all anymore....does that count for something? I would much rather see what real people are doing in their real lives than watch most of the garbage on t.v. I love the seven photos of your cherry beats a Kardashian any day...:)

  3. Good Evening Patty, I am very much a creature of habit. Like you, I make coffee when I get up, then I sit in front of my computer, drink my coffee and catch up with what my friends are doing. Sometimes I make new friends who are doing really interesting things, which in turn inspire me.
    I have many friends and family filling my daily life, but I love chatting to my blogging friends as well. Some days I spend more time chatting than others, but that is alright as it all balances out in the end.
    I love how you mention that every generation has it's "coffee and girl talk". My mother is 83 years in September and my mother in law was 83 years in April and they both go to their clubs and chat to their girlfriends, the only difference is for them, it is "tea and girl talk".... they are both from the generation of tea drinkers. Both have said that they would not miss their clubs as they both enjoy them, so that is how I see my blogging friends.... we are all part of the same club.
    Best Wishes

  4. I love my far-away friends that I get to connect with here everyday, I look forward to it as well.

    And... good thing my girl isn't over there or your tomatoes would be gone! They are her favorite.


  5. Patty - Enjoyed your post. I was so reluctant to start a blog and Brenda just kept telling me it was something I really needed to do. So, I did and am so glad. I have made so many friends, gotten so many ideas and so much encouragement in various areas of my life. Now, I realize as we are going thru this health issue with my husband, these friends are the ones who are there for me every step of the way - with encouragement and prayers. And I can receive all of these blessings right here at home.


  6. I feel humans are just creatures of habit. Most of us. We have our morning rituals here also. I loved your little pyrex bowl with the tomatoes. xoxo,Susie

  7. Yaaay for your pumpkins and hip hip hooray for our friendship......God is so good everyday in every way.

    Smiles & Sunshine,


  8. I think it is a fine line between enjoyment and connection and an addiction. lol I could spend all day visiting blogs and "getting to know you"...which can sometimes take away from real life relationships. Blogging, for me, is a wonderful connecting point and a diary of my grandkids' lives. xo Diana

  9. Great post, Patty! You seemed to have nailed it on the head...this is our generation's way of connecting...and connect we do! I blog with my pot of coffee in the morning and I also exchange emails with some very close blogging friends, almost like phone calls. I may find some time in the evening to visit blogs, but that's usually the time I devote to reading (as if I haven't strained my eyes enough!). If it's done in moderation, it's all good!


  10. I don't comment often enough, a bad habit of mine. but I agree wholeheartedly with your post today. I love blogging and all the wonderful people I have met who live inside this grey box!

  11. Love those containers! Nice pics!
    xo Kris

  12. Great post...because of all the transitions in my life right now I am not being able to stay up on blogging or visiting, and I do notice how much I miss it.
    Yes, each generation has had some form of coffee and visiting..I think of quilting bees.

  13. I agree this is our generation of connecting. I have "met" so many incredible people that I would never have know existed if not for blogging. I love visiting my blogging friends, catching up with them, sharing a little bit of life's journey together (and seeing beautiful pictures).

  14. I enjoyed this post today. Blogging can sometime be hard. There are times when I have nothing to say at all. I stopped blogging for a little over a year and one day I realized how much I missed it. So I started again.....and guess what. All those old blogging friends came pouring back into my life and filled me with so much joy.
    I remember your old blog....but I doubt you remember me from way back then. I was too shy to leave comments. But friends like you helped to bring me out of my shell.
    I love your blog. It's one of my regular reads.
    I am looking forward to seeing those pumpkins.

  15. I feel the same way, Patty. I do have plenty of "real life" relationships as far as my husband, son, extended family, and wonderful friends. However, I love my online family as well. I tend to spend too much time on the computer, and come September 1st...when summer is over and my son is moved out (going to university), I have several goals in mind for myself - one of which is less computer time. Plans in the making...and I will be blogging about this! :-)

  16. I really love this post and feel the same way. Blogging opened a new door for me that I physically have a hard time walking through "in real life". I do love your cherry tomato photos and can't wait to see your pumpkins! :)

  17. I just love coming here and reading your thoughts and being in your whimsical painted world.

  18. You have such a calm presence - I always enjoy visiting your blog :-)

  19. You hit the nail on the head Patty! I too love catching up with my friends online, seeing all the fun and pretty projects and hearing about what everyone is doing, but I struggle with feeling a little guilty about all the other things not getting done! You're right though, it is time well spent and my online friends have enriched my life in so many ways I can't even count them! I love grabbing some coffee and checking in on everyone and I really value the friends I have made through blogging:>)

  20. I so agree! On times I think of stopping blogging but so enjoy finding out about my friends all over the world! I have learnt so much, been encouraged through my ops and the down times, been encouraged to learn to crochet...these are just a few much more. No...I think as women...we need keep sharing your life with us and we'll do the same with you!! Joan

  21. Patty, I totally agree with you. Yes, sometimes my time is wasted but, most of the time,, I am inspired, encouraged and blessed as this is my way of connecting with the outside world. For the most part, I have been absent from blogging for quite a few months now and I know I need to get back on board. It makes my day!

  22. I've been a little MIA lately and it's always good to catch up with you, Patty. I think bloggers need each other, although I think it is possible to get too caught up in such activities; been there, done that. I think balance is the key to most things.

    I see we have similar morning routines; my little prayer corner is in the dining room, right next to the window, or I walk out to the bench in my little garden out back and spend time with the Lord there.

    Have a blessed week!

  23. I'm late to reading this. But what a lovely post this was dear friend. I LOVED it. And I LOVE the yellow vessel for your tomatoes. And hooray for the six pumpkins growing on your vines!!!
    xo Kris

  24. I am thankful for your blogging and even though I only check in once a week I can always count on a dose of inspiration. Thanks.


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