paper dolls and a question...


Do you remember playing with paper dolls as a kid or is that terribly dating me?  I would spend hours carefully cutting out clothes, being ever so careful not to cut through those little white tabs that held the clothes to the doll.  I wonder if that's where I got my love of cutting paper from?  There was no dollar limit or wrong sizes just endless possibilities and an outfit for every occasion.

Creating a mixed media canvas gives me that same feeling of creative freedom.  Arranging paper on a surface and then choosing colors for flowers or presents or dolls is still as fun as it used to be.

Here's where the question comes in.  I finished this canvas for my class this month and now I am thinking maybe it reads a little too dark. 

What do you think?  I cut out a new dress in a light background flower print just to try it out.

Dark dress or light one?  Number one...or number two? 

One more question...

If I were to add some of these to my etsy shop when I reopen it later this month, would you prefer a  half inch dimensional canvas to hang or a flat canvas panel that could be popped in a frame?

Tell what you think?  I have a favorite but I will leave the decision up to you.

xo, Patty


  1. They are both beautiful. I guess if you are making us choose, I'd choose the light one. :)

  2. Probably because it is summer, I prefer the light dress but it looks great either way. Yes, I played with paper dolls and made more of them by cutting the figures out of the Eaton's and Sears catalogues!

  3. ahh... paper dolls! I loved Betsy McCall from McCall's magazine! However I was so frustrated when I would stand them up and the clothes would fall off. Then I had Bewitched ones that had a shiny surface and the clothes would stick to it...not sure how.... Now there are magnetic ones. Doesn't help children with cutting skills though.

    I would prefer a 1/2 inch canvas and I prefer the adorable light one.....

  4. I do remember paper dolls....just yesterday I was playing with mine. Really, I was. I am purging my craft room and found my paper dolls from a few years ago. Remember when everyone was playing with flat selfies?
    Anyway. I think your doll wants to wear the red dress hanging in her closet. She thinks she blends into the background and she wants to stand out. She wants to outshine the cake. She wants to be the life of the party. Go get her red dress.

    To answer your question..... flat panel. because it offers more flexibility and it costs less to ship.
    (just my 2 cents)

  5. My sister and I spent hours upon hours playing with paper dolls, both the cut-out kind from the store and cutting our own out from the Sears Roebuck catalog. What fun we had.

    My preference is the light color dress. As for the canvas size, I'm not sure which I would prefer.

  6. I would say a dimensional canvas. I keep wanting to try doing these. You are so good at this!

  7. Patty- I love them both-but I would choose the darker one- I think it makes more impact AND I would prefer the 1/2" canvas, I think. I played for HOURS with paper dolls and have some saved for my grandkids- xo Diana

  8. I do like them both, but the light dress pops against the background better. Such a cute canvas!

  9. I loved Betsy McCall paper dolls! I like both dresses I think I prefer the dark top and light skirt. I just started doing a canvas a few weeks ago, will have to post it on my blog, I love working with all the different textures, colors, etc. I like both 1/2" canvas and flat panel, sorry that was no help I'm sure! Have a wonderful day!

  10. I love this color scheme, and LOVE the 1st dress. However, when I scrolled down, I did love the 2nd dress a little bit more. But, both are beautiful!

  11. I like the contrast of the lighter. As for canvas, maybe do some of each?
    Thank you for stopping my blog today and your encouraging comments!

    Grace and peace

  12. Patty,
    I do believe that the dress choice and hanging method are personal preferance;
    however, I prefer the dark dress!!!
    As for me, I would put this beauty in a frame...probably wood tone!
    Have a wonderful rest of your week, dear friend!!!


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