and for this, I give thanks


My mom is worried about me.  I know this because she has been having people call me “out of the blue” to check on me.  Like many of you, my world has been turned upside down once again.  And true to form, her mama bear instincts and defense mechanisms have kicked in and she wants to make sure I’m okay.  I reassure her that I am, she marvels at my strength and yet, she continues to worry.  I love her for that but I really am fine.

“It’s the absence of the thing that startles: I have no fear.  I’m looking at barns counting gifts, and I’m jarred: There is no choking angst.  I am not anxious and I breathe easy and that worry child I’ve clung to , she deserts.  I feel no fear and it makes no sense.  The market still teeters, the future of our livelihood still hangs precarious, and there are still no guarantees, no assurances, no change.  Nothing has materially changed since yesterday’s fears, last weeks’ anxiety.  But I have.”  Ann Voskamp, one thousand gifts


As I read these words during my quiet time this morning I couldn’t help but give thanks to God for his assurances and the peace that comes from trusting him with everything.
Everything is a lot…it is my marriage, my children, my relationships, my health, my finances, my very existence and salvation.  It is…natural disasters, food, shelter and random violence.  It is…did I lock the doors, turn off the stove and close the garage door.  It is…do my children know God, are they well adjusted and do they do well in school.  It is…am I a good mom, a good wife and a good enough daughter.  It is…fill in the blank with whatever worrisome thought pops into my mind and even those that don’t.
Somewhere along the way I decided to trust God with e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.


Believe me, this hasn’t always been the way in my life.  I have wasted many hours deep in the pit of worry.  I have spent countless sleepless nights choking on the angst and real struggles of the day.  I have shed buckets of tears and pulled the covers over my head and desired to never come out from under them again
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand, His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4:6-7

I know the tears will still flow, the sorrow will cut deep and the thanks will be hard, but my trust will never waiver because His love will never change, His promises will never fall short and the ending has already been written.

And for this I give thanks.

xo, Patty


  1. you post touched me today. it reminded me of that old song "my HOPE is built on NOTHING LESS than JESUS' blood and righteousness"! isn't that a wonderful powerful thought! thank you for leading me to a higher plane on which i now stand :)

  2. Patty,
    You are in the right place and the only place deciding to trust God with everything. There is much to worry about these days, but this is a wonderful reminder to us that everything is in God's hands. Thank you.


  3. I don't know what's happening but I am praying for whatever the situation is. I know we have been through hard times, and though we wring our hands at times and petition God for the answer, the way out or an explanation, He is faithful and has never failed us. He knows the road ahead, and the outcome of our journey. I always look back and wonder why I didn't trust more instead of putting myself through all the fear. It truly is in His hands.

  4. Oh Patty, I relate to this post and how good it is to leave worry behind, as the Scripture you share here says, and as Ann Voskamp writes. I like your photos and the multicolored bowls in the first photo are very cheerful.

  5. Patty - Just know that you are in God's hands and He knows the outcome and only wants the best for us. That's so hard for us humans to get! My favorite quote and I don't even know where it came from but it's written in my Bible is "To worry is an insult to God". I think so many times that we do insult Him when we fret about things - things we mostly have no control over.

    Blessings and prayers to you!


  6. For whatever it is you are living through right now... I pray for God's presence to be felt, and for wisdom and discernment. Hugs to you Friend! ~Sally xo

  7. I am sorry that you are having a rough time. Some times it is just hard to get ahead of things, isn't it I hope with God behind you and love from friends and family that you will pull through this storm as well. (((((HUGS)))) Hopefully brighter days are headed your way.

  8. Your other readers have said things better than I could, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you.

  9. Patty,

    In this post, once again, I sense so little of you is on the surface and I totally understand that....believe me, I do. Whatever is troubling you, please know that I am lifting you to the One that heals and comforts.

    You are truly a sweet glad to know you. I feel blessed.

    Hugs, Barb

  10. Patty- A marvelous uplifting post. I am lifting you up in prayer for whatever is going on in your life. Some things are just too dear to share and I so understand that. Blessings to you- xo Diana

  11. I haven't been coming here long enough to know what is going on but I have been around enough to know the peace that comes when you turn it over to the one who put us here. Sending prayers your way and hoping your day is filled with sunshine.

  12. Hi Patty,
    I don't know what is wrong, but I am praying that whatever it is, it will all turn out okay. I think you and I have more in common really, than either of us us knows. We need to get together and talk soon. Until then, hang in there. And know that this post touched me deeply tonight as I read the words, and thought about them.

  13. I am keeping you in prayer. Some times I think that we want to fix everything that we see broken. At least that is where I was. I am now at a point where I realize that I don't have all the tools to fix everything and everyone. I will never be "good enough" in some peoples eyes. But I can try to be the best person I can be. Isn't self doubt the thing that really bring us down.
    This is what I am reading in your post and I may be totally off. But I will keep you in thought and prayer for what ever you are going through. Hugs, Teresa

  14. Beautiful, beautiful post. Lots of wisdom here. blessings ~ tanna

  15. Learning more and more to give thanks for ALL things. God has prepared the path and the journey we take. We look back on our past, and has He failed us? Oh no, He has not and His promises are new every morning. Continue to shine your light, so others will see your responses and glorify our Father in Heaven! Love you sis! Elsa

  16. "I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me." This is my favorite Scripture quote, and one that I meditate on when I'm worried. God be with you in your struggle! You are in my prayers.

  17. Great post! Thank you for it and Thank God for everything!

  18. Patty,
    Prayers coming your way, dear friend.
    God knows your every need.
    Assurance is my word for 2013. . .this post touched my soul!!!
    May He hold you in the palm of His hand. . .

  19. Praying for you Patty! Your post is a good reminder to me to turn over some things to the Lord that have me weighed down. Thank you for sharing your heart today!


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