finding my style

Part of living a good life is being happy with who I am both inside and out.  I began sharing with you yesterday the spiritual journey I am on, so today I thought I would share what I have been doing to get my outside on board.

When I am not at my best mentally I tend to let go of myself physically, too.  I don't watch what I eat, stop exercising and really don't give a hoot about what I put on.  This only makes me more unsatisified so I sink deeper into a pit, which makes me eat more, move less and so on and so on.  Such a vicious cycle...

In order to break free of this cycle, I have started moving and eating healthier which I will expand on in later posts but I have also rediscovered the fun of getting dressed for the day.  I have started a what to wear pin board on pinterest and will pin outfits that not only appeal to me style wise but are also practical for how I live my life today.

In the process, I have found my style.  What colors and lines are pleasing to me and make me smile.  Since I am on an extreme budget, I am trying to recreate the look with what I own, what I can repurpose, what I can make and what I find on clearance or at a thrift store.  The best thing is that I am having a blast doing it!

Using pinterest has narrowed down my color palette which in turn will make it easier to mix and match things I already own.  I will allow myself one full retail purchase a month (thanks to hubby) to help build up my staple items.  I have three or four outfits ready to put together from what I have hanging in my closet right now that I will be sharing with you in the days ahead.  I've also found several things that just aren't me that I will be giving away.

I know putting time and effort into my appearance may seem shallow, but I would disagree.  If how I look affects my attitude and therefore how I care and respond to others than it is vital that I make the most of what I look like on the outside.  Now, if I put more store in my appearance than who I am on the inside, we have a problem. 

What are your thoughts on the subject? kind.

xo, Patty

the low down on my version...
jeans - Kohls - already owned
top - Sam's club - already owned
sandals - Kohls - already owned
earrings - made by me


  1. That's exactly the kind of outfit I always pictured you wearing, in my mind. I'd expect you to want colour, like the top and sandals, comfort like the jeans and handmade, like the earrings. A whole bunch of silver bangles and this would do nicely for dress uppy, too! ~ Maureen

  2. I think you are on the right path...I know that if I look my best, I feel like I can do anything! All of it takes effort and the rewards are great! I just love this outfit and know you are going to look fabulous in it! :)


  3. I think you feel better when you look better. I know if I throw on my running pants and a T I feel frumpy all day. If I put on a dress, a cute pair of sandals and some bling I feel much better about myself and even hold my head higher. I love what you picked out the green is such a great color.

  4. I don't think it's shallow at all. I fall into the same trap myself sometimes when I'm feeling down. And then I'll catch sight of myself in a mirror and I'm like, whoa, what's going on here? lol I love the outfit you put together ~ such a great color green.

  5. Good idea!! Love the greens in the outfit, and I'm really impressed you made the earring yourself!

  6. I think this is a great idea and approach! The way you look on the outside DOES determine how you feel on the inside. I like what you are doing here. I've got way too many things in my closet and I need to be a better steward of what I own. You are inspiring me :)

  7. Patty you have been through so much that it is no wonder you have put others first. It is what we women do. We should walk. I can meet you after I drop off Maddy sometimes and we can take a nice long walk.

  8. Not shallow at all. I decided, on the first day of homeschool, to "dress up" meaning nice slacks and a nice top with a light jacket. You wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) the difference it made in how I felt about myself, and it even seemed to affect how the children felt about our "school." So I'm doing that more and more. I'm tired of looking slouchy, I'm ready to feel good about the way I dress. And as Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing." Hugs ~ Mary

  9. I so agree. I am trying to improve upon my wardrobe as well. I have nothing to dress up in and no budget. I have been able to pick up a few sale items (very few) and it just makes me feel better. I like your outlook.

  10. Patty- I absolutely agree that how you look outside reflects what is going on inside. I remember something my Aunt told me when I was quite young. She said...when you get up, make your bed, shower or wash up, brush your teeth, comb your hair, get dressed and throw some lipstick on before you ever leave your bedroom/bathroom-even if you have do it all in 5 minutes. That way no matter what the day hands you you will be able to feel good about yourself and crawl into a neat bed at night. I have remembered that for 50 years...and it has worked for me! I think you are smart to be good to yourself emotionally and dress/present yourself nicely. Blessings- xo Diana

  11. I love your style Patty (I've already repinned some of your cute outfits on Pinterest!) I know what you mean, I just feel better when I put a little effort into my appearance. It shows that I feel I am worthy of the effort and makes me feel so much less frumpy. I have actually run into friends and aquaintances on days that I let it all go and wow, how embarrassing is that! Lol. I have found I would rather have a few good outfits than a bunch of cheap junk that I don't feel good in. By the way, I love those earrings!

  12. I agree! I was going for a while with no earrings (can't see with my hair anyways) and no mascara (Mister said he couldn't tell the difference if I wore it or not)
    Now I am back to wearing both, and Mister says, yes he DOES see a difference, and I feel better/more attractive, too!
    BTW, the earrings are great.

  13. I am not certain, but I want to say you had that pretty green top on when I last saw you? You look great in green! I wish you lived near me so we could walk together. I am eager to see your upcoming outfits!!!
    XO Kris

  14. Your earrings are great!, can't believe you made them. Great job. It's so easy to let ourselves go when we have so much going on in our lives.


  15. Oh I think taking care of ones appearance is mentally stimulating. A little makeup rearranging an outfit can really lift the spirits. Perfect!

  16. I am so excited for you..and me...because I am inspired!! I just got new 'purple specs' yesterday and am looking forward to extending that quirky style to my wardrobe...I like the Pinterest idea.....I'm off to get my board set up and take a peek at yours.

  17. P.S. Love the earrings you made...they are beautiful and you did a great job in matching your 'budget' version with your 'dream' version.

  18. I would love to make some bracelets someday. When I see all the beads to choose from though, I get overwhelmed with indecision. I'm going to have to push past that feeling and jump right in. Your jewelry is beautiful.

  19. I like your thinking.....very motivating. Cute outfit!~Patti

  20. This is cute. I love simple outfits with a great pair of earrings or a bracelet. You will look fabulous :-)

  21. How perfect are those earrings?!
    Simplifying a wardrobe is so satisfying.

  22. The outfit you put together is cuter than your model. Good job!

  23. Oh Patty, I just do the same thing with Pinterest and I enjoy it! I've already started puting some make up on my face because the last 6 years I didn't do anything about myself ... So the time has arrived! Keep going!!!!

  24. Patty, I totally agree with you. I feel so much better about myself when I put on an outfit that I feel good in and some makeup and fix my hair. I love all of the outfits you pinned and they are things I could see myself wearing. I need to lose about 10 pounds (or more) and I would look and feel so much better in them. That's something I really need to work on!

  25. You have a positive attitude, and a bright outlook.
    I think the earings that you made are darling too :)

    Hope you have a wonderful, happy weekend.


  26. I love this post! It's so important to feel good about ourselves; then that makes it easier to have a good attitude! I love your outfit! I just found you and am now following-I'd love you to visit :)


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