a good life

"A good life is intentional, it's not backed into."  Jeff Vines

If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time you have heard me talk about the challenges and changes I've faced this year. (If you are new to my blog and have suffered a loss you you can read my story by clicking on the header entitled Life Happens at the top of my blog).

Like so many of your lives, the words that end up here are edited...a prettified version of reality.  There are so many other life struggles that I haven't shared because they are too personal and private and just aren't appropriate for this blog.

That being said, I can count only a few other times in my life where I have been forced to lay it all down, trust in my Savior and walk by faith and not by sight more than right now.  The quote above is from my pastor's sermon this past weekend.  He talked with such passion about not relying on ourselves to be equipped to survive in this world.  How our emotions left unchecked can give the enemy a foothold in our lives.

Anger left to ourselves becomes bitterness...
Conviction left to ourselves becomes guilt...
Concern left to ourselves becomes fear and anxiety...

I was reminded once again that on my own I will slip into depression and defeat. 

On my own my anger will replay hurtful scenes over and over in my head and it will lead to bitterness.

The times I slip up and I feel convicted will begin to seem insurmountable and I will give into condemnation and guilt.

And my personal favorite foothold, my genuine concern can turn into full on fear and anxiety as I automatically assume the worst case scenario will happen.

I don't have to live that way.  I can choose to trust Him to bring good even from the bad that will certainly happen in my life. 

"For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man like Satan and plunder his goods?  Only someone even stronger-someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house." Matthew 12:29

I am choosing to live a good life and I would love to share with you what that intentionality looks like for me in the days and weeks ahead.

xo, Patty

Here is the link to the full sermon by Pastor Jeff Vines from this weekend.  Pour yourselves a cuppa and drink it all in.  He is a gifted authentic man, you will be blessed.


  1. don't be depressed dear... you are such a sweet person...

    1. Thank you Krishna. I am not depressed in fact, quite the opposite. I am really enjoying the life I have been blessed with. Patty

    2. Patty, I was in that mode for almost 2 years...took me awhile to learn to let it go...especially anger....It's like eating rat poison and waiting for the other to die. That was my wake up call.
      Thankful in all situations isn't easy but if practiced get easier to see the beauty from the ashes :-)


  2. (((((HUGS))))) I do agree that we have to take those blesssings and rise above the challenges to have a good life. SOmetimes it is just too much but something you have to do.

  3. Good morning Patty. What an uplifting sermon! We need to embrace each day with these thoughts in the forefront of our minds! Having just spent a gut wrenching month of worry over my son moving away, which ultimately ended in him not going, I could have certainly done better in laying it all down, and giving my fears away. But I didn't. I carried it, and it was a burden that took over. I must not do this. Your post is very timely.
    I am thinking of you, because I know that you and I share many of the same concerns in our lives for our loved ones.
    Love ya,
    XO Kris

  4. Very encouraging!

    :) Hope

  5. Hello,

    Same Hope as above (I was signed into my other blog account). I thought that I was already following my blog, but I did not see my picture - so NOW I am.

    :) Hope

  6. God love you, I'm right here with you. Lost my dad 10 years ago, mom 7 years ago and it sounds like a cliche but honestly, healing takes time, a lot of time. I'm so glad you have our Lord to walk through this valley with you, and all us bloggy friends are here too. Love you, Mary

  7. I am so sorry to hear about your loss.

  8. We can't be told enough times to 'let it go'. Holding on is hurtful and unproductive. When I was contemplating a major change, my dad told me to be sure I was running toward something and not away from something. I think that holds true for the inner journey as well. Thanks for the thoughts. ~ Maureen

  9. Dealing with the loss of someone you love is about the most difficult human emotion to have to handle. Walk by faith, not by sight is one of my favorite passages...hence why it is on my blog at the bottom. Patty, when we feel hopeless and powerless, we need to turn to our father who loves us more than we will ever know. This is how I am able to cope with struggles in my personal life. One. foot. in. front. of. the. other. The promise of eternity is certainly better than anything on earth. I wish we could go have lunch sometime and just talk. I am always here for you if you would even just like to drop me an email.

    much love,

  10. Patty,
    Be bold and carry on! One never knows who they might reach for the Lord! Each of us is in a different location of Faith in our Journey! I adore you for who you are as a person! I value your continued friendship!!! AND...I say, again, "Be bold (in the Lord) and carry on (His word)!

  11. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."


  12. Wonderful, uplifting post!!! Your pastor's sermon is dead on! We have to equip ourselves to fight the battle in our mind...every day...with the Lord's help! I don't know where I'd be right now without Him. Seriously! He gives me the joy and unsurpassing peace that I need. I can't wait to hear more, Friend!

  13. Amen. Although it hurts to know that someone is going through a storm it is encouraging to know that there is no storm which leaves us the same...but more equipped to do God's work here on earth. You are already touching many lives as you navigate your way through these unexpected storms...be encouraged and continue to look up ;)

  14. big hugs & love coming your way!! cup ... guess that is my problem i need to start having a CUPPA instead. ha. ha!! you always make me smile. blogs are fun to write on i know that ... but that raw stuff, the emotions, & all that goes on ... it is tough to say it all. i know of your loss & i know it will take time. i've had loss in my life & i know there will always be more.... but reach out & grab GOD's hand he is there. think on happy times & know it is a learning moment. i know easier said that done, right? do you realize how strong you are? i know i have learned a lot in my 30's. what do i keep in my pocket my faith, my heart, my giggles & laughter & now thankfully i have my rock/best friend (my hubby) & always my family. without the ones we love we will not last. i need to stop now. i've written a book. chin up & keep that SMILE. (:

  15. Good for you! Honesty is important. I waffle about over sharing about my personal struggles, and often choose not to because I worry about embarrassing my kids. But when I do share, I am always uplifted by the strong support of my readers.

    For more inspiration, read my latest post - an article my husband wrote for our diocesan newspaper.

  16. So very well said, Patty. I am reminded of the verse about having to constantly put on the armor of God, The enemy is always at the doorsteps of our hearts and minds, waiting for that moment when he can sneak in and turn us away from our loving Lord. The enemy is clever, isn't he? I am guilty, myself, of allowing the enemy to have a foothold on my thoughts and emotions instead of giving them over to the Lord every day. I am ashamed to admit that I have allowed it to happen too many times but, thankfully, God is powerful, loving and SO forgiving. He knows our weaknesses and He knows we will stumble. And He loves us anyway. What a blessed privilege it will be to see how God is working in your life and to praise Him for your willingness to share your journey.

  17. Powerful words Patty. Good for you for putting yourself on a new path.


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