a chill in the air


There was a nice breeze when I went to bed so I left the window open a bit and when I woke up this morning there was a decided chill in the air.  Could that mean fall is actually around the corner?

The cooler temps have me inspired to take on a new project.  The problem is deciding which one.  It needs to be one that will be finished by the end of October because as I 've said before, once the holidays hit I simply want to take it all in and enjoy.

No project chaos...just a nice clean nest to feather, relax and entertain in.  Do you feel the same way?  Is there a date you try to finish all your decorating and loose ends by so that you can just enjoy the blessings of the season?

Thank you so much for ordering hearts and praying for Pie.  I have added a link on my side bar that will take you to my Etsy shop.  For those of you who have already ordered, your hearts will be in the mail today or tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

xo, Patty


  1. Your vignette is wonderful, Patty, perfect for a simple touch of fall! I love the scale, I have been searching for one! I haven't decorated for fall yet, less is more so I am being very choosy. And then it will be easier to take down and prepare for Christmas. I agree with you on taking it easier during the holiday season so we have time to reflect and enjoy!


  2. Oh wasn't the cool air wonderful early this morning! I have all the windows open and am enjoying it so much!!
    I hope your hearts help a lot and make a difference. I know that they will.
    XO Kris

  3. We have skipped right over Fall and headed straight to Winter here. We went from 90's to 40's very quick. We have even had a frost already. I love the pics for today. Beautiful")

  4. Patty,
    We had a quick trip to cooler weather too, all of a sudden it was a bit chilly. Now today I think we will hit the 70's, so I'm going to enjoy it! I always say every year I am going to do things early so I can enjoy the holidays and every year I am doing last minute stuff. I'll try this year, I really will! Maybe you will motivate me!! I thought I was already following you but it let me follow, so I guess I'm your newest follower.

  5. It has been cooler at night here in Ontario for a couple of weeks. I love the cooler weather. It is just perfect sleeping weather. Just an extra quilt and you're all set. I am going to order my heart now. Have a great day~

  6. Oh yes, i feel the same way . I want the house all clean and cozy before october so that when i come home from work i can make a spooky dinner and watch fall themed movies with my girls all month long... ; )

  7. Pretty photos. Really looks like fall is setting in.


  8. such beautiful Fall touches, lovely photos, Its cool here now, frost at night, time for quilts and throws for sure!! And wool socks!!

  9. Your vignette is gorgeous...I pinned it on my Fall Decor board! (Yes, I put your blog name in the description. :-) )

  10. This is a more complicated question for me than you might imagine. For years I cleaned and decorated the house for the holidays. I wanted everything just so. It was a big deal with much shifting of stuff. And it seemed very important to me to have everything in my external environment perfect. It was always exhausting work. I enjoyed the product of the work but not the work itself. And then when January hit, I reversed the actions. I discovered several years ago that I was the only one in my family who really appreciated those efforts - and for years I was OK with that. For me it was important.

    Two Christmases ago my mother (who lived with me then) was in the hospital and rehab for most of December. I had no time for all my "holiday traditions." I worked like a dog just to get her back home for the holidays - and I was successful. On Christmas eve my tree was pulled out to decorate, and I realized that the real important thing - the thing that made the holidays special - was finally home and she was sitting in my living room.

    My holiday season is now limited to very few decos and I do clean. I enjoy all the simple pleasures that nature provides and the holiday decorations of others ... and I enjoy my holidays much more now.

    This was a great post and it prompted much in me. I may "steal" your idea and blog about it myself.


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