a frittered weekend

I did it...I frittered the weekend away.  No projects, no major cleaning, instead I spent my time relaxing and doing fun projects. 

I mentioned that I am trying to revamp my pitiful wardrobe on a budget.  I have a few outfits in the works that I will be sharing with you later in the week but part of my frittering time this weekend was spent making jewelry.

I know, like another hobby is just what I need, right?  But I had all the supplies tucked away anyway so I thought it might be fun to pull it all out and give it a try.  I spent way too much time scanning pinterest for inspiration and away I went.  I had so much fun and stayed up way too late.

I'm not ready to share how it all comes together yet, so I thought I'd give you a peek at my work table and a few of the pieces I've completed.

I hope you had some time to fritter while watching movies, drinking a cuppa, reading blogs and maybe napping a little over the weekend, too.

More to share soon.

xo, Patty


  1. Frittering sounds like fun to me!


  2. fritter is good for the soul, we need it once in a while!

  3. frittering is a necessary way to spend some of our time! The earrings are just my thing!

  4. Wonderful post Patty. I love the pictures!! Glad you got time to fritter!! It is good to do that every once and a while and get a rest from all the things we need to do :)

  5. Looks like you had fun - can't wait to see the completed outfits with the awesome new jewelry you made! Mary

  6. Frittering, Oh I love that word, that is my new word now. I need to do more of that and less of the "needs to be done nows". Thanks for sharing Patty. Sure do miss you.


  7. that is a great word and I think your weekend sounds great!

  8. Patty,
    Now how did you know that I did all of the above??? Plus, we re~vamped the front flower bed Sunday evening! Have a marvelous week, dear friend!

  9. And what a fine fritterer you are! Can't wait to see more~ Blessings- xo Diana

  10. What fun for you Patty. I went thrifting for clothes at Goodwill today after an appointment. Found two great fall shirts. xoxo, olive

  11. I frittered and took a nap. Isn't that what weekends are for? :) Can't wait to see what you made. I often look at beaded jewelry and think that it might be easy to make.

  12. Your weekend sounds a little like mine. Frittering, Pinteresting, Facebooking and any other "ing" I could look at. Gotta love weekends.

  13. Frittering is vastly underrated. I myself try to keep the tradition alive frequently!

  14. I didn't do too much this weekend but play with my grand son. I have some stones stashed away also. They have been calling to me but haven't yet answered the call. Can't wait to see what you came up with.

  15. No we worked way too hard around here and I am starting the week pooped out.

  16. I am really trying to fritter. I don't do well sitting still so I fritter at knitting, crocheting, Facebooking, blogging and anything to keep my hands busy and keeping my butt planted. I can't wait to see more pictures of the jewelry as you fritter away!!

  17. Once in a while we all need a weekend to just fritter away.. I know I need about a week to fritter!.. LOL.. The jewelry looks like a lot of fun.. Can't wait to see the finished piece..

    I hope it's OK, I'd like to put a link to your blog on mine as I love reading your and I am sure other would too..


  18. I'm so glad you took some time to have some fun! I love how you have organized your beads into an old muffin tin, so cute! :) AND thank you for the sneak peek at your jewelry as well! :) I hope you are enjoying the new week so far!


  19. I certainly did fritter away the weekend, and it was marvelous!!!

  20. Looks very interesting...and FUN! Eager to see more.

    I was able to fritter some time this Sunday evening watching Father of the Bride with my daughter.

    :) Hope

  21. seems that you had a fun time on Sunday. I also make jewelry some times.
    here is the link:

  22. Good for you!
    Does a soul good, to have some creative time :)

  23. It's good to fritter away once in a while....good for the body, soul and mind. A time to relax and refresh. And what a fun way to fritter! :)


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