
I spent a lot of time sitting quietly in the garden yesterday, reflecting on all that has happened in my life over the last few months.

I've discovered that there is no rushing grief...there is no magic formula for getting your life back on track after a substantial loss.

So I have decided to take this week off from projects and my blog and just let my heart be still.  There is nothing that won't wait a few days and I've found that keeping busy is only a temporary fix.

Thanks for your patience.  I promise I'll be back soon...

xo, Patty


  1. Hugs to blog friend to another. I love the idea of being's wonderful to be quiet and feel. Heal and be...the rat race will be here when you're ready to re-enter. Annette

  2. I have a hard time being still to deal with loss. I guess I think I can always try to just outwork it, you know? I mean if I keep busy I don't have to think about it...and that is really not a good thing either. Sometimes we NEED to be still and let the Lord work on our hearts and minds...and souls. Enjoy your time off and I hope you find some healing- xo Diana

  3. I find that as the seasons change. . . . grief returns with new memories and feelings. I find that true with birthdays . . . anniversary's, family gatherings . . . Giving ones self to the stillness is giving ourselves quiet, peace . . . nurture. The rest will wait . . . you are the important one now.

  4. Take some time & take care of yourself. It's not easy, but it will come in time.

    We lost my Dad 9 years ago today. It has gotten better over the years, but it never completely goes away.

  5. Take all the time you need. We your blog friend will be here when you need us. Extra Hugs!!

  6. My prayers go up for you, my friend. You have had a lot to deal with recently. Taking time to be "still" with God is certain to be a healing step. I will miss your sweet posts and will be back to check in with you.

  7. Amen...and take the time to grieve...I think we rush through too much...let Him hold you and enjoy His presence, He knows your heart!
    Blessings...been there and will be there again

  8. Take all he time you need Patty.
    Thinking of you!!!
    XO Kris

  9. Patty,
    It is wise to take the time you need. I think of you often and will keep you in prayer this week.

  10. I'm a keep busy instead of grieving kind of gal and that hasn't always worked out well. I'll be right here when you feel ready to come back! ~ Maureen

  11. You do what you need to do, Patty. Grief is best dealt with in a way that makes sense to the griever. I imagine the tears will well up every now and again for quite some time, at least they did for me when my dad passed away a few years ago; my mom died last spring and she is often on my mind.
    We go on, as our parents did when they lost their parents. You loved your dad and he loved you and that is a great blessing. I hope you find some peace.

  12. There is no rushing are so right. My father-in-law lived with us for four years and he passed away last November. I'm still struggling to get back on track.

    Take your time Patty...enjoy the garden and your grandchildren and just being still. Everyting else will wait.

    You're in my prayers!

  13. I am sorry you are struggling just now. Take each day as it comes - I am sure all
    your blogging friends will be here when you get back.
    Take care!!

  14. Hugs to you. Grief will never fully leave. I miss my mom every day (it'll be two years this July).
    My uncle (my dad's only brother) passed away on Saturday. I wasn't close to him, but thinking of him makes me miss my dad so much and I've been crying off and on all day. My dad passed away almost 20 years ago.
    What I cling to are the good memories, the happy memories, the memories that make my heart happy.
    Take your time through this. Allow yourself to be sad sometimes. And take care of you.

  15. Rest well my friend...then listen to your inner self and don't do what you feel you should....but do what you really want to... Hugs Joan

  16. ((((Hugs)))) Take as much time as you need.

  17. Patti,
    In your own your own way. Take all the time you need, dear friend. You will be missed...and I will continue to lift your name up in prayer!

  18. Sometimes you just have to step away and reflect, or grieve, or whatever. I'm praying that God comforts you and helps you through the tough times.


  19. Some of us need more time than others..We all grieve in our own way..our own time..I hope your time off is healing...

  20. Many bkessings to you...Take your time.


  21. Patty ~ you are so right. There is no right or wrong way to grieve and there is no time limit. We all have our own way in which to deal with grief. Take your time and take care of yourself. We will be waiting

  22. Patty, Just as you said there are no quick fixes. Each day brings something new to face, but each day brings healing as well. Take your time and find your place to rest. Bonnie

  23. Take your time Patty. Just "be" for awhile. Healing takes time. We will all be here when you come back.
    Hugs, Barb

  24. Doing what you feel is best is always good. No matter how long it takes we will be here waiting. Saying a little prayer for you. Teresa

  25. You are so right.
    There is no magic formula for getting life back on track after such a huge loss.

    Take time for you, and take care of you and yours.

    You know, we'll all be here to support you :)


  26. Sorry for your loss...wishing you peace.

  27. Take all the time you need, Patty. May you feel stronger each day.

  28. This post made me think of you:

  29. You are so right. It really just takes time. Time and putting one foot in front of the other every day. Then one day you wake up years later and it seems normal again. You are wise Patty to take care of you.


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