garden bouquet


I wish I could bottle up the weather today and send you a sample.  It is a comfortable 78 degrees and everything looks fresh and Springy after our weekend rain.

I was so excited to pull out a few radishes from my side garden for my husband's salad tonight. 

I learned the hard way that they are all water and lose their firmness very quickly if you leave them outside like trophies to show off later...(not that I ever did that).

This time I cleaned them up and placed them in a pretty jar to store in the fridge till he gets home.

Don't they make a pretty bouquet?

It seems kind of silly to get so excited over a few radishes...especially after I saw the beauties my good friend Elaine's daughter grew...and she's only three. 

Oh well, I need to take my successes where I can find them.

xo, Patty


  1. I love radishes, my favorites are french breakfast, and these almost look like a bunch of cherries in the jar. How pretty:>)

  2. That's a great bouquet! I think I might go buy some just to have a pretty bouquet like that. Very nice!

  3. I can't wait to get our veggies planted but it won't be much before the first part of May!!
    The radishes are so pretty!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  4. Delightful idea . . . the color red, with some white, pretty leaf . . . who could ask for more . . .

  5. Oh Patty, you are not going to believe this one......I was watering the garden last night, and I thinned the radishes out and cleaned off the sprouts to bring in for a salad. I completely forgot about them until this moment reading your blog!! They are still sitting on my yellow wicker chair, I'll bet, right there in the garden!!!
    Yours are so pretty!!!

  6. I'll have to remember this when my radishes are ready... very cute and useful!


  7. Your too funny. Quinn is my daughter after all. Ha-ha. They look so pretty in your jar. I just trim the tops and roots and put in water and the chickens love the tops.

  8. Don't they look all fresh and pretty in a jar? They do get droopy rather quickly once they are out of the ground, don't they? Lovely- xo Diana

  9. Am I the only person who never thought of storing radishes in water? Duh! I can't wait until it's warm enough to get the garden in here! ~ Maureen

  10. How pretty!

    I never would have thought to put them in a jar.

    Amy Jo

  11. I love your bouquet of cute! I have been trying different types this year... radishes are fun to grow because they give you almost instant gratification!!Have a great day!!

  12. That looks just adorable. Great use of your radishes until hubby gets home. Very creative:)

  13. It's the simple things that hold us. Lovely.

  14. Beautiful! An inspiration.

  15. Hey, your radishes are gorgeous! That's one veggie I've never grown, so I can admire yours. :-)

  16. My husband loves radishes. Next time we pick i will place them in water to last longer. He'll love the idea. Thanks.

  17. Your radish bouquet looks wonderful just the way you have it.

    blessings, jilly

  18. That is a very pretty bunch of radishes! You have such an eye, Patty.

  19. What a lovely idea. I'm going to plant some radishes!

  20. You are so clever...I can't stand it. Who would have thought that radishes in a jar of water could look so darn cute.


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