rounding the corner


Happy Tuesday... 

I just wanted to show you how pretty the ranunculas look in the garden. I actually planted them last Friday but I haven't had a chance to share the pictures  until today.

I got another little section of the back perennial bed cleaned up yesterday.  I've just about rounded the corner which is the half way point.  I actually could have kept going but I had "help" from of a certain three year old who delights in gathering pill bugs.  He insisted I stop what I was doing and help him make a house for his new "pet".

We put a few clippings in the bottom of an old sippy cup for food and the poor bug made himself comfortable in his new prison home. 

I don't know how to tell the little rolly polly that he is luckier than the last pet bug who didn't even make it out of Andrew's pocket alive.  I'll let you know his fate tomorrow...the last I saw he was being clutched in the hand of a toddler strapped in the backseat of a car and headed to San Diego.

Weather permitting, I will be back outside today to finish the clean up.  Then I will work compost into the soil and decide what new plants to add to the border.  I have a few annuals waiting to go into pots, as well. 

All in all it sounds like a pretty terrific day.  I hope yours is enjoyable, too.

xo, Patty


  1. They are so beautiful! I don't know why I don't have any? I trimmed my rose bushes and some trees yesterday but had to cover up some plans - freeze warning this morning!

  2. Love your flowers! Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Love your flowers !! Can't wait for my gardens to grow!!

  4. Hello, Patty
    The ranunculas are such a lush, full flower. They remind me a bit of roses and peonies, two favourites of mine. Enjoy your gardening, Patty. I find it can be rather soul-satisfying, digging in the garden, but it's much too soon to do here.

  5. Morning Patty. Your flowers look so pretty. I loved hearing about your bug toting grandson! We do that here too. Isn't it exciting to see Spring springing?!

  6. Oh, how pretty! I woke up to a dusting of snow, again!! Please Spring hurry up. So keep the pretty flower pictures coming so I can live Spring though you pics! Hugs!!

  7. That purple one is so pretty. Haven't seen that color before. Hey the bug is going to San Diego. Great place for a vacation.

  8. Patty, they are sooooo pretty! I am in the garden most of the time these days. O....happy day!

    Barb ♥

  9. I have garden envy, it will be weeks before our gardening season begins. We got 21 inches of snow in northern Michigan over the weekend. Love your flowers, Laura

  10. Your flowers are delightful. Thank you for sharing with those of us still stuck with snow.

    LOVE the pill bug story! That's what kids need, time with grandmothers and pill bugs, not electronic gadgets.

  11. Very pretty! I planted ranucula bulbs about 4 years ago and they are just getting ready to bloom. Your colors are wonderful!!

  12. So beautiful. Hopefully spring is around the corner. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the visit.

  13. Oh how beautiful...I just envy, now in a good way, your garden and wish we could grow them here without all the heat!

  14. Oh so pretty! And I love your story about the bug. Reminds me of my oldest who had to save every slug that ever appeared in the garden...LOL Kit

  15. They look so pretty. I have a few daffodils up and my hyacinths are almost ready to bloom.

  16. Pretty, pretty Patty. I wish I had been in my garden today but I have been traveling. There is so much to do this time of year.

  17. Funny how all things come back to our gardens. It's the place where I go when things have been hectic and then settle down. ~ Maureen

  18. Your flowers are so pretty. We had a very nice day for March in Minnesota with 55 degrees. It melted most of the snow we got on Sunday. Gardening is still a long way off here.

  19. Hi you have a lovely blog, what lovely flowers I mad a list this morning and put more bulbs on it.

  20. You sound like me when I am cleaning out my beds. So nice to see something blooming.

  21. Hello lovely lady! :) Thanks for commenting on my feature...that was fun! (and very unexpected!)
    I love love love love love ranunculas, and yours are so pretty!
    We were very blessed when the storms went through...we just got severe thunderstorms...we only missed devestation by a county. Three counties right above us were hit and several right below us...utter destruction. Makes my heart hurt...we lost 22 people in our state on Friday. :( The lady in Indiana that lost both her legs protecting her children, is the niece to a guy we go to church with....she's a real trooper. I just can't imagine what she must be going through. They had an 8,000 sq foot home that collapsed on top of her and her kids...amazing they made it out alive. God is good.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Missy :)

  22. You've been one busy little bee in that garden, haven't you? It sure feels like Spring around here with the warm, humid temps but the wind was blowing 600 miles an hour (well, more like 40 miles an hour...yes, it gets darn windy around here!!) so yard work is out of the question. I did start some flower seeds in the house today....forget-me-nots!!


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