basking in Love

My devotional this year is "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young.  I can't tell you how profoundly it has touched me, washing my mind with thoughts of God's love each day.  Today's entry included the following thoughts, spoken from the heart Jesus...

"I comprehend you in all your complexity; no detail of your life is hidden from me.  I view you through eyes of grace so don't be afraid of my intimate awareness...Trust me enough to accept the full forgiveness that I offer you continually...I will never leave you or forsake you."  Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

To be viewed through eyes of grace, even when we don't deserve it.  To be forgiven continually, even when we've blown it...again.

When God sees us, all that he sees is the beautiful flower he created.  He doesn't look into the dark recesses and corners of our life and see the debris that we haven't cleaned up yet.  He sees only beautiful, vibrant petals reaching up toward Him.

"No one will be able to stand against you for as long as you live.  For I will be with you as I was with Moses.  I will not fail you or abandon you."  Joshua 1:5 NLT

Have a wonderful Sunday, basking in His love.


I'm joining Lorraine this week for  Think on These Things.  Thank you sweet lady for hosting such a beautiful party every week.


  1. Love your sweet garden fairy and your beautiful springy

  2. Beautiful pictures and a beautiful thought! ~ Maureen

  3. The photos are lovely and the comparison to the beauty and the debris in the garden is perfect with the verses and thoughts in your post!

    Thanks so much for linking to ToTT this week!

  4. How touching and inspirational ~ I think each day the Lord gives us a "fresh start". Thank you so much for this inspiration ;-)

  5. I've read a lot of good excerpts from that particular book. I need to get myself one. Your photos are so fitting.

  6. That's my devotional this year as well..and I am loving it.
    Thank you for your beautiful insight into yesterday's was a wonderful illustration.

  7. I am using this devotional as well, and your right, it has soo blessed me. I love it! It just seems amazing how many times it honestly is speaking to me right where I am at. Your thoughts on today's devotional are perfect! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  8. This devotional was given to me by a dear blogging friend, and it has a made a big difference in my life. Your thoughts and beautiful flowers only add to it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  9. You know, I don't know why I have never run across your blog before...but I was skipping here and there and found you. I am so glad I did. I read your profile and that is the exact way I feel about our home and grandkids. I signed up as your newest follower and you can bet I will be showing up regularly! Hugs- Diana

  10. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog!
    I can see that yours is a place where I'll want to make return visits--such lovely flowers!

  11. Beautiful post...thank you! ♥

  12. Beautiful photos, flowers and devotional for the day.
    I think I told you that is my devotional right now too, and I am amazed everyday as it speaks to me of just what I need. God is so good!

  13. Ahhhhh Grace...what a precious gift!


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