freshened patio pots

We enjoyed the most wonderful spring like weather over the weekend.  I managed to clean up and trim back some of my back patio pots and plant a few annuals for a little extra color.

I added a few white snap dragons, purple pansies, yellow and purple violas and some sweet allysum into my geranium pots.

It felt so good to have the sun on my back and some dirt under my nails.  This is my favorite time in the garden. 

The fruit trees are in bloom, too.  I'll be back to share them tomorrow.

Have a wonderful week!

xo. Patty


  1. Lovely pictures. Glad you were able to have a nice weekend. Ours was full of rain, and I mean FULL! Hoping this week brings a little sunshine cause I love to be outdoors.
    I wanted to ask, where did you get the little watering can that is in your flower pot? It is adorable!

  2. Beautiful colours!!!! Unfortunatelly i don't live in a cottage but I've started planting some seeds in the pots and i wait to see them grow!!

  3. Patti ~ How lovely. I long to get dirt under my fingernails. I love spring. Hopefully soon ;-)

  4. Hi Patty,

    What lovely pictures, the weather was gorgeous, wasn't it? It started out foggy here today but is brightening up now xxx

  5. Sweet little plantings - it's always so nice to get everything spruced up for the upcoming warm months.

  6. Beautiful pics, wish something would bloom in my neck of the woods. I guess at the moment I will just live through others.

  7. Beautiful pots -- definitely puts me in the mood to garden. Rainy and cloudy here today, but the rest of the week is supposed to be warm and sunny! I think I'll move my wintered over geraniums back to outside.

  8. Hi Patty,
    I love your fresh planted flowers and I love spring too, I was just telling Gary we really need to get out and freshen the yard with some new flowers and plants. Our winter had a lot of frost so we lost a few plants. I hope this coming weekend will be nice so we get some dirt under our nails..the house always looks so pretty with fresh flowers in the ground. A really pretty post! Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  9. Wasn't it just lovely? We had a nice weekend too!!

  10. It is suppose to be 79 here in St Louis I am thinking I need to find some Pansies!!

  11. Beautiful blooms....can't wait for spring :o)

  12. Thank you very much for stopping by. I love the name of your blog because I love anything about lemons. I will have a nice look around. Great flower pots. I need to get busy planting some here for my patio.
    Do you live on a Lemon Lane? That would be too perfect.

  13. Oh how beautiful..we had rain and cold over the weekend, but sunshine today and in the 80's...I am going outside to play in the dirt.

    Love your garden...looking good.

  14. Allysum is one of my favorite flowers. The scent is wonderful. I especially love the ones with purple blossoms.

  15. I agree ...the weather was glorious!!!! gonna LOVE these longer days!!!!!

  16. Beautiful pictures. Can't wait until I can have patio pots.

  17. We're not quite ready for planting flowers here for awhile but did have warm weather and sunshine for a little yard clean up on the weekend. I love dark flowers with white in planters and your's are beautiful! ~ Maureen

  18. Oh how lovely those photos are..I am so excited for spring.

  19. Hi Patty...what lovely photo's! Oh goodness isn't it wonderful to be outside working when it's like this. Your pots are looking great and I can't wait to see them when they're all filled in. You are further ahead with spring than we are here in Kansas although our temperature will hit 80 something today. I LOVE IT! I just hope we don't get hit with a snow storm like we did two years ago right on the first day of spring. Keeping my fingers crossed! Enjoy your beautiful weather and your flowers.
    Maura :)

  20. That is the cutest watering can in your flower pot. I can't wait to get in our yard and clean up.

  21. Patty that is one cute watering can.
    I love seeing all the flowers. Hurry up spring. I have some tulip leaves popping through the garden.


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