delightful daffodils


I'm so glad you stopped by.  I wanted to share these delightful little daffodils, a cup of coffee and a cookie with you on this gorgeous California Monday morning.

I picked up the daffodils for .79 cents a piece at Walmart last week.  I know from your comments that yellow is your favorite springtime color.  Don't they look sweet potted in this lime green pot?

I wish I could just bottle up the weather we enjoyed this weekend and spread it around.

It was in the mid 70's with just a slight little breeze.  It was just right for some thrifting and lunch with the girls and perfect to piddle in the garden.

What was your weekend weather perfect for?

xo, Patty


  1. I'm loving all the signs of Spring. Your flowers are beautiful and I'm sure they make you smile when you pass by them. I'm bringing home some tulips today. We have tons of snow still in Ontario, Canada but warmer weather is on the horizon. Hugs, Deb

  2. How lovely. Daffodils are happy flowers! Thanks for sharing your yummies with us, too! :)
    It was a nice weekend for us to get outside and pull some weeds out of the the flower beds and take a nice Sunday drive! We also spend time with my family at church and eating a good meal of pot roast Mom prepared. :)

  3. Hello Patty!

    The daffodils are lovely, indeed, and looking sweet in the green pot! Pretty springtime photos!

  4. Patty
    I wish you could bottle up your weather and send it my way too!
    Maybe daffodils would bring some springtime feeling to my house too.
    It's the coldest and snowiest it's been all winter here!

  5. The daffies are beautiful! It hit 95 here yesterday! We went to Laguna for lunch and it was absolutely gorgeous!!!

  6. It was so fun. I am so thankful to have met you through blogging and for introducing me to Shelly. I really value our girl time. And it was a beautiful weekend. Spend all of yesterday in the garden.

  7. Beautiful flowers....cute vignette too! We had nice temps this weekend but were under a wind advisory.

  8. Your flowers are lovely especially in that lovely green pot. Green and yellow are perfect springtime colours.

  9. I think your California weather will be here in southwest TN tomorrow, with highs around 70 most of week. Our weekend was chilly, but beautifully sunny, after that big storm system (the one with all the tornadoes) came through last week.

  10. Wasn't it just wonderful!!!??? So glad you had time to putter! I worked all weekend - but it was for the stores - so that meant fresh air at the flea markets and finding cool stuff!

    Happy day to you!!!


  11. Signs of spring all around us...I love your pretty post.
    xo bj

  12. Hello Patty What a lovely cheerful post with those pretty daffies. Well, our weekend temperatures plummeted and instead of being outdoors weeding and mulching I was indoors reading gardening books and making plans! A little of your Californian warmth over here would be delightful, though we did manage a beautiful warm springlike day last week!
    Have a happy week.
    Helen x

  13. the weather was amazing!!! did a bit of yard work, went to a party that was outside and glorious!!! I just hope the weather is nice this coming weekend!!!! I hear tomorrow may rain:(

  14. I wish you could bottle up that weather and send it to me! You've done the next best thing with those lovely, sunshiny pics! ~ Maureen

  15. Daffodils are so pretty. We used to have tons of them when we first bought our place a few years ago but they are gone now. Don't know if hubby killed them (they were really in a bad area) or if the squirrels and moles had a heydey!
    Signs of Spring are really starting to show around here!

  16. Oh, pretty post you have there! We had snow this past week...twice! But, I did see a bluebird a the I have much hope!


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