summer porch


I've been busy getting Lemon Lane Cottage ready for company and just wanted to share a few pictures of the front porch this morning.

I brought out the lady bug summer pillows just in the nick of time...

since Fall is only a few weeks away and it will soon be time to change to the autumn decor!

Doesn't it look comfy and inviting?  Especially with freshly potted impatiens to finish it all off.

There's still lots more to do so I need to make this a post a short one.  I'll be back soon to share more.


  1. Your porch is absolutely beautiful, always wanted a porch but their not to common here in Ireland.
    Btw i've had to move from 4lilgirls, lots of tec probs, so this is my new link, hope you'll pop by
    Karen x

  2. The porch looks so pretty and welcoming have fun with your company

  3. Patty, it looks cozy and inviting. So colorful!

    Barb ♥

  4. Lovely! Your porch looks so fresh and pretty and really welcoming. Have a happy time this week.
    Helen x

  5. Can't wait to see it all in person. See you in a few! Love those ladybug pillows.

  6. I love porches, especially ones with rocking chairs that seem to be saying 'come sit here, and visit for awhile'. Take care.

  7. What a cozy, welcoming spot! I have a thing for lady bugs, so of course I love your pillow, espcially since you have the contrasting cute polka dot cushion with it. Thanks for sharing this wonderful area of your home with us!

  8. Oh my, how inviting! I could just sit and knit there all day long.

    And such nice touches.

  9. Your porch is adorable! Cozy and very inviting! Enjoy your company!

  10. Oh yes it does look beautiful! I love it...The lady bug pillows are the perfect touch so full of whimsey. What a wonderful place to meet and greet your company.
    Have a sweet week, Elizabeth

  11. It looks very welcoming! I'm on my way over right now. Well, at least in my dreams!
    I'm sure you and your company will have a wonderful time visiting there.

  12. Oh how lovely and inviting...have a wonderful visit with this porch

  13. Your porch looks so smart, pretty and welcoming!
    I am so happy to have found your lovely blog!
    Gill xx


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