random thoughts over coffee


Some mornings just lend themselves to a relaxing cup of coffee or tea. Sadly, these mornings are the exception for me through the week and not the norm so when I do get the chance to sit outside and indulge in all the sensory goodness a wonderful hot cup brings, I relish in it.

Normally my workday has me out of the house by 7:30 each morning but today my little dog Bear had an over due (insert guilty conscience here)  appointment with the veterinarian at 9:15, so I took full advantage of that extra time with a nice cup of coffee out back in the garden.

I wish I could say that my outdoor furniture is always clean and ready to be lounged in but that would be a lie…most days it takes a little extra time to prepare the chairs and table for a lingering cup of coffee.  The effort easily pays off with the joy of being outside, hearing the birds, watching the squirrels and even listening to gentle cha, cha, cha of the neighborhood sprinklers rotating back and forth.

If you were here with me I’d love to share the random thoughts that go through my ever wandering mind, both heavy and light. 

I’d have you to take a look at my “stuff purged” pile and invite you to help yourself.
I’d ask you what is it that’s lacking in our society that makes young women bored with just being a mom and seek reality TV lives?

Why are grades in school more important than integrity and loyalty? 

What brings you more joy than an inquisitive child? 

What feels better than a cool breeze when you’re working hard in the garden?
What you think about the yellow and white fabric I picked out for the living room windows?

If you have a minute or two (or sixty)…I’d love to know what goes through your mind?

I'm joining Lucky Number 13 for Virtual Coffee...


  1. I love this post! Your thoughts, your pictures are peaceful. Lovely. I agree with your questions. To me, I find joy in the small things and that includes children! (I will have hopefully sooner than later;)


  2. I, too, find myself in the same week day boat now that school is back in session. However, I know that in a couple years, hubby and I dream of having some little ones to bring added joy to our home. And we both are in agreement... being a stay at home mommy for at least their youngest days is imperative (and for as long as we can afford beyond that). I ponder aghast the women I know who are all too eager to leave their sweet babies to resume the workday routine. To me, work days are drudgery... the true joy and fulfillment will be to answer my call to be a mother before any thing else. That will give me the self worth they seem to think only comes with meeting the next deadline. I am not scoffing at working moms, though. I know many women have to work and I applaud them and all the extra responsibilities they have to juggle. But to purposely choose work over my children would never be something I could understand. I enjoyed this coffee chat. And yes. The yellow check fabric is very vibrant and happy. I like it ;)

  3. Lots of good thoughts going on here. :)
    I enjoy my first cup of coffee in the mornings, too.
    xo bj

  4. Based on your random thoughts, I can tell we could be best friends :) Such a good post! I've often thought of doing this but then I chicken out thinking no one would care. Maybe I'll reconsider- such a nice feeling when you realize that others share your ideas.

  5. I enjoy a quiet cup of coffee in my yard as well, but more often I find myself in front of my computer monitor each morning as I sip away! Not much time before I have to go to work, so this is my usual time to get caught up on blogs, and my e-mail. Thank you for visiting my blog and your comment! What part of California are you in? I'm in Turlock if you know where that is. I'm a new follower!

  6. What a beautiful blog you have!
    I wish I could stop by for a cup of coffee in your lovely garden.

  7. ooh, i do love a good purge. that's what i plan to do later today in the guest bedroom (junk room)...i put it off for so long but i feel so good when i FINALLY do it. loved having coffee with you this morning, thanks for joining in!

  8. I love the cup and saucer. And where was the yellow and white fabric? Did I miss it. I want to see.

  9. Unfortunately in this country we make it very difficult for new Mom to stay home when their children are born. In these tough economic times many young mothers must work to help keep their families afloat.

    Love the description of your blog I like the idea of saving it for the next generation. Thanks for stopping by our post about fiestaware, Mom from Cottage and Broome. Will become a follower hope you will consider doing the same. Thanks!

  10. I happened by from another blog. Whenever I see cottage or cosy in a blog title, I have to check it out. Your blog is so beautiful.....photos and words. I love this post. I see a few of my bloggy friends on your comments.

  11. Lovely pics, makes me want to get up extra early tomorrow, sit outside with my cup of coffee and enjoy the morning just like you.

  12. Sounds like you enjoyed a relaxing morning! We all need to do that every now and then ;D
    Happy Tuesday and thanks for coffee.

    Oh, and loved your photos, so cozy ;D

  13. Great picture, makes me want to come over and enjoy some of that coffee with you!

  14. Beautiful pictures! I wold love to be there chatting with you in your beautiful garden over at cup of coffee. To answer your questions, What is lacking in our society I'm not sure. I love being a mother and i could care less for the reality tv lives. I think integrity and loyalty are things that are always needed, but good grade are needed too. I hope to teach my children all three. I don't think there is anything that brings me more joy that my children, they brighten my days in ways I never thought possible before becoming a mother. Happy Tuesday friend. I'm stopping by your blog from lucky number 13 and becoming a follower! =D

  15. You have raised some very valid questions here. Love that - how you make us think beyond what's under our nose. Love the name of your dog - Bear. I can hardly believe how reality tv has taken off. Of course, between my partner's obsession with tv and an 8 year old son, I never get any "my" tv time and so I have learned to live without it and I really, really love being out of tune with the tv world. Thanks for sharing today and I hope you have a great week!

  16. I love all your intriguing questions. I also wish I could sit on my porch and enjoy coffee in the morning, but work would wonder where I was at so I leave those kind of mornings for the weekend.

  17. What a beautiful setting to have your morning cup of joe. Your random thoughts have my brain percolating, and I'd love to see your purged pile...I bet there are some treasures in there.

    Thanks for coffee and have a FABULOUS week.

  18. So wish I could have the chair beside you and share a cup or four. Your thoughts are so much like my own and I do believe our kindred hearts could find hours passing as we enjoy the time together...
    Hoping your week is wonderful!

  19. There are often times when visiting blogs in blogland, that I meet people that I wish to have time to sit and share with them, over a cup of coffee. Today, when I read your posts and your thoughts, I realized we could talk for a long time. You sure did offer some thought provoking questions regarding life as we now know it, and I felt myself saying, "I wonder that too."

    Your photography is exceptional!

  20. How nice it would be to sit across the table from you and share not only a cup of coffee, but a dear conversation as well. Gosh, there are so many different things we could talk about. Most days I feel as if I swim against the stream of society around me. I too value integrity and honor as much as good grades, grades are a reflexion of ones effort and hard work. :o) It saddens me to see youngsters with little to no family life. And even though I have remained home for many years, I do still feel the tug and a little guilt about not persuing an education while educating my own children. I just fear, if something would to happen and I would need to earn our families salary, that I would fail. What a standard the world tries to tack on us.
    love. Trish


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