let the decorating begin


I had the best intentions over the weekend to get into the attic and pull out the Christmas boxes but then the rain came and the thought of getting into that dusty small space with who knows what crawling around became but a distant thought.  Instead I had myself a mini Pioneer Woman marathon and relaxed on the sofa just listening to the gentle shower outside.

But now, with a break in storms, those boxes are coming down.

I have two little helpers tonight so the going will be slow but that won't stop me from at least getting started.  The first thing I do is unpack the boxes and start little piles on the dining room table based on where they might go and then I edit, start a give away pile of things I haven't used in a while and a list of what I might like to add this year.

The real decorating won't start until tomorrow afternoon when the little ones go home.  I am hoping to have it all done by Thursday so that I can make a trip to Hobby Lobby on Friday (anyone want to join me) for a few new additions.

We don't usually get our tree until the second weekend in December and but that time I am chomping at the bit (does anyone say that anymore?) to get it decorated.

What about you?  How's your decorating coming along?

xo, Patty

I know, these pictures have nothing to do with this post but I had to share how pretty the garden looked last week.  One of the perks of living in Southern California...


  1. Rain, rain, rain! Loving the wet days and being at home, too. I finished decorating yesterday and am now thinking I need to go back to Hobby Lobby to get some greenery. I went on Saturday for some sprigs of green for the mantel and was shocked at how much some of their things are - even at half off. Do you have a Home Goods? They have wonderful holiday accents and I have found awesome linens, pillows and decorations there this year. I like that you "edit" your collections. I so need to do that this year!! Have fun decorating. Rain through Wednesday....


  2. I was planning on doing more decorating but came down with some kind of bug this weekend. Bleh. Hopefully I'll get to it in a few days. I went to Hobby Lobby with my daughter last week, they have some good sales, but their greenery, even at half off was outrageous! Joann fabrics has better deals on greens. I am so looking forward to seeing everyones decorating:>)

  3. No tree this year. Too many people coming over for Christmas. We need all the floor space we can find. But then again maybe we can find a place for a small one. We have a 3 season room. I can't wait to see what everyone else does.

  4. Wow! I'm amazed at your pretty flowers :) Here in Arkansas everything is dead, cold, and cleared away 'till spring. I look forward to seeing your Christmas decorations!

  5. So jealous of your pretty flowers. Excited to see your Christmas decor.

    Hugs from Oklahoma,


  6. You sure have a pretty garden for this time of year. I've started a little decorating and the tree is up (not decorated). Your wagon reminded me of mine which has been on the side of the house since we moved. You've inspired me to get it out and plant something. Looking forward to seeing posts of your decorations.


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