jewelry organization


In the middle of preparing for Christmas my husband made an off handed remark about wanting to switch hobby rooms.  He said he wouldn't mind taking the downstairs for his music and I could have the upstairs room for my crafts.

You can bet that little statement sent this organizing junkie into immediate action.

Never mind that I had a million and one things to do for the holidays...never mind that it meant moving two million and one boxes, books and all manner of craft things up a flight of stairs...never mind that we had just rearranged the furniture all over the house when my daughter and grandsons moved out in September.

When opportunities come your way in this house they must be seized immediately lest the giver rethinks his spoken words and changes his mind when the reality of what he said hits him.  (Ahem...not that he's ever done that before.)

The downstairs room with it's beautiful built ins and pretty view also houses the laundry closet and sits right off the main living area.  Which means a lot of traffic and the perfect place to stash those nasty piles of stuff that accumulate on the dining room table.

The upstairs room, while it can get warm in the summer, is the largest bedroom in our little home.  It is situated directly across from the guest room/grandkids room which also happens to be my dressing room and where I keep my clothes. Old houses have very small closets and my hubbies clothes are in our bedroom closet downstairs.

So basically it gives me the entire upstairs as my private two bedroom suite with my very own teeny tiny bathroom.

There is still so much work to do but all the major components are in place.  I have managed to arrange my jewelry (most of which has been found at thrift stores) on a wall in my craft studio so I thought I'd show you that today.

I've already made a tentative schedule for the coming months to complete the rest of the spaces upstairs including redoing the small bathroom.  But first on the list is our bedroom downstairs which is exactly as it was when we moved in here seven years ago.

New planner, new ideas and God willing, a whole new year to accomplish them in!  Have you made any plans for the New Year, yet?  I'd love to hear them.

xo, Patty


  1. Good morning Patty. I am like you! Seize the moment!!!! Good for you! Love your jewelry on display. Can't wait to see more of your new space!!
    XO Kris

  2. I keep elastic hair bands in an old antique hand food chopper. When I lift the chopper piece, it pulls out a hair band. It's a nice way to organize and display too. Love your ideas.

  3. Excellent! January should give you plenty of time to nest in your new room. I have plans for a (temporary) work space in Earl's old office and I can't wait to get things in order there. I was just looking at my jewelry hanging every which way off the bedroom mirror last week and thinking I need some kind of organizing system on the wall, especially for my necklaces. Your system gives me some good ideas :>)

  4. Yes, sieze the moment! I have to laugh as I do the same thing with my hubby! Hoping to focus this year on getting more organized. Wishing you a wonderful New Year.

  5. I have my necklaces hanging on some hooks on a shelf in my bathroom, but one of my 2015 "goals" is to buy some different hooks and place them in random places on the wall and reorganize those necklaces. The shelf is too close to the toilet and it's easily bumped. One time my hubby actually knocked the whole thing down! Pretty hooks are the way to go.

  6. I am so glad that I found your blog through the FOCUSed15 Challenge. It sure is nice to meet you. I'm looking forward to following your blog. Looks like a place that is filled with joy! Blessings!


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