A little spooktacular project...


I just finished the September mixed media project I will be teaching at Hearts n Crafts and just had to share it with you all, too.

My head has been spinning with ideas and projects for the fall and upcoming holiday season so you can expect to see plenty of artwork and festivity ideas here on the blog in the coming weeks.

I took some time to list all the activities I have my hand in during my little blog break and decided it was time to line through a few of the ones that put me over my limit and take away the healthy balance of home and work and play projects that my life requires.  It is always so difficult to let go of things that you love to do or ones that alter your goals from what you thought they would be.

Hard but necessary, at least for me.

The great thing about this kind of exercise is that I always come away with a renewed passion for those things that remain.  Of course these kinds of changes in my life bring change to this blog.  I have a clearer idea of what those changes are and will be sharing them with you as they happen.

I hope you have a wonderful last few days of August and are as excited as I am to usher in September.  Have a wonderful day..

xo, Patty

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  1. Oh this is so sweet, I loved the mixed media, love lthe little girl in the vignette, just so darlin, I loved the post...Come on overe for a visit to my blog, would love to see you and have a visit...Phyllis

  2. That turned out so cute! You have gold in your finger tips I think!

  3. Your mixed media is so well done and beautiful! Yes, weeding out the less important things really frees us up to use our time for the best things in life:>)

  4. THAT is just darling. Perfect and not overdone at all! I love it- xo Diana

  5. That is adorable. I have never done mixed media type projects but I'm amazed at the ingenuity and creativeness that comes from such projects. You did good, girl! ;)

  6. Patty, it is "boo"tiful!!
    xo Kris

  7. Patty,
    Great Halloween project!!!
    I'm so~o~o ready for September. . .our annual vacation month!!!
    Life is all about changes.
    Many times there's a necessary curve in our journey.
    Song from my youth. . .Did you ever have to make up your mind?
    Say yes to one and leave the other behind?
    Not often easy and not often kind. . .
    I have found that I try to always be kind. . .even when I have to do what's BEST for me!
    I'm excited to see where the curve of your journey is taking you, dear friend!


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