EASING BACK IN - let's chat

Good morning!  How are you?  I am feeling so good and refreshed and excited and relieved and recharged and a bit tired but in the best sort of way.

morning cup of coffee

I have spent the last couple of weeks doing things that I love to do without any internal pressures or deadlines, just living each day as it comes and my heart is all the better for it.  That's not to say that life didn't creep in and realities needed to be faced but the controllable stuff was done at my own pace and it felt good.  I found joy in the doing and not anxiety in the lack of finishing.  Does that make sense?

And I actually completed a couple of things to boot...go figure.

I am anxious to share with you in the weeks to come about what I've discovered about myself, our new life as empty nester's, rediscovering my passions and a few of the little tweaks I've done to the cottage.   I won't promise with numbers and dates but I do look forward to sharing as the time feels right.

I hope you'll stop by and join me.

xo, Patty


  1. It sounds like you are filled up with energy and I look forward to hearing about your direction.

  2. Patty, Empty nest time can be such fun. Make a date night with your honey. Go out to dinner and a movie or some special event. Maybe not stressing so much left you with time to get things done. :):) Bless your heart, xoxo, Susie

  3. I'm so glad your weeks of refreshing and renewal paid off and that you are feeling more relaxed about your life. Even though I didn't comment, I read everything you posted and really took it in. So much of what you wrote hit home with me too. It woke me up to the truth, that I need to be in the word more too. I enjoyed your fashion blogs and want you to know, I did start taking a look at my appearance(which was beginning to show my age a little too much)and forced me to look in the mirror more. lol. But to be honest, this is the side of you that got me back to your blog over and over when I first met you. I like it when you include a little of all of the areas of your life. You have always inspired me whether it be in fixing up your home, your crafts and sewing, your fashion hints, sharing about your family and especially spiritually. I hope I haven't been too honest here, but I just wanted you to know that I was still following you and enjoying what you have to say.

  4. Patty, I can feel that familiar sigh of relief as I'm reading your post. I am anxiously awaiting your next few posts :)

  5. Oh Patty. You sound so happy. That make me happy for you! Hope your Sunday is wonderful, too. Susan

  6. Patty,
    How wonderful to hear your voice filled with excitement, joy and wonder, once again, dear friend!
    I totally over~booked my Social Calendar for July and I'm blocking off days for August to re~cop!
    Thanks for sharing with us your refreshed and renewed spirit. . .it's contagious!
    Looking forward to hearing what's next in your journey!

  7. Glad to know you are feeling good and on your way back!!

  8. So good to hear from you Patty! You have been missed, but I have been patient! Sometimes we really need a few weeks "off" from any pressures or deadlines or "have tos".. and just "be" and take each day as it comes... no plans... no must do's...... no lists, etc. That's when the inspiration and energy seems to return! I have to recharge like that now and then too... in fact I'm doing that right now as I hurt my knee 10 days ago and have been on crutches and pretty inactive! this gives me time to reflect, renew, think, have some silent time, etc. and not push myself to do anything. It's a nice break, but do not recommend having to take a break this way! I'm anxious to see what you have been doing and reflecting on and the new directions you are taking. You always inspire me in some way! Don't push yourself, don't rush yourself, just post when you really feel you WANT to... that makes it so much more enjoyable.. and enjoy your empty nesting. Hugs....

  9. I look forward to seeing what you have in store! Empty nesting is a time of re-invention. No necessarily easy, but it can be fun!

  10. Looking forward to your future "shares".

  11. Glad that your respite has been refreshing and satisfying. I am new to following your blog, but I feel like a sister already.

  12. looking so forward to seeing your upcoming post. Have fun..


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