fanning the flame

Lately I been feeling like life is passing me by without me really living it.  Sometimes I can get stuck in planning and waiting mode and forget that living happens every. single. day.

I keep telling myself that we are in a time of transition and when I get this done or that happens then I will start really living my life.  Well, you know what?  Life is always in transition and before you know it you have strung together days and weeks and months and even years of time that you can never get back.

And if you're not careful you can lose sight of what it is you want to do and get out of this one life we have here on planet earth.  Those dreams that you have been getting things ready for can be put on hold for so long that the flame can become just a flicker and the rut we are stuck in can start to seem too deep to climb out of.

So today, right now in the midst of change and mini chaos and unmade beds and unfinished projects, I am going to start living the good life that I have been planning to live since I retired three years ago (eek! has it really been three years already?) and turn that little spark of dreams back into a full size bonfire.

Happy Monday!

xo, Patty


  1. Patty, so many times you post about something I am feeling myself, and this is one of them. Has it really been 3 years?! I remember when you retired and it hardly seems that long to me! You are so right, time flies, the urgent crowds out the dreams and I, for one, feel pretty deeply entrenched in that rut! You go girl! I look forward to seeing how you live a little, and getting some inspiration from seeing what happens :>)

  2. Live today in a way that you enjoy, that is good advice. I look forward to hearing about what you are doing. Sometimes I get in a rut of just doing errands, etc. instead of making way for new adventures. I have a new friend which is a nice way to liven things up. She has a toddler to add to the fun.

  3. Thanks for this post. I retired from teaching last June. This year didn't turn out quite like I planned. My mom has been sick much of it and my son... well, he isn't turning out like I had hoped. I keep waiting for things to turn around when in reality those are two things I will still face for awhile. I have to try and live in the midst of them. I have things I want to do and I really need to live and be grateful for the good things in my life.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts lately. They have helped me!

  4. Good attitude!
    Also, a good reminder for each of us..... living this life we were blessed with, and thriving with thankfulness :)

  5. This is my favorite quote "it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live" ( Dumbledore wisdom )

  6. Patty, It that day, I am going to do this and that...then before we know it one day has come and gone. Nothing runs according to plan anyways...most time we just have to live in the moment. Blessings, xoxo,Susie, Susie
    p.s. I am on my 13th year of retirement and I got to retire early.

  7. Patty- this post struck a cord with me for sure!
    I have such a strong feeling of being unsettled... and incomplete. I want the days to be filled with Living.
    crazy thing?
    For the first time ever, I watched the movie GROUND HOG DAY, ... it had a powerful message to it.
    We get so caught up in ourselves don't we? That isn't at all how God intends for us to live life...meaningless and without purpose? No... I don't think so.
    You put it much better than what I'm trying to say... thank you, from another Patti!

  8. Patty, I retired 3years ago too and have moved from one house to another. But I feel like I'm missing out. Like I had a list but I am not doing those things as daily ordinary things get in the way. Please keep us informed of the things you do and thank you for sharing this with us.

  9. I agree wholeheatedly! I have that tendency as well - to think and plan for what I can have in the future and forget what I have right now. I am working really hard to change my attitude here. Thanks for the reminder!
    Love the coffee station - great idea!

  10. I anxiously await each of your posts to see what you are doing about your dilemma...... thank you for the reminder today... that we can literally plan and dream our lives away, without living in the moment. I've been doing the same thing and your post also reminds me to try more to live each day as it comes and not keep thinking..... "if only I had this I'd be happy" or "if only I could find the right place to live I'd be happy".... rather than enjoying what is the here and now!

  11. Great word Patty! I truly think God is laying this on many of our hearts!

  12. Oh yes..., enjoy this life!
    xo Kris


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