capturing the day - #16

I love to walk around the back yard in the morning before the sun warms up, just to see what's blooming.  I decided to grab my camera today and snap a few pictures of whatever caught my eye.  Mid June is a time of transition in the garden as springs blossoms have faded and the summertime flowers are still a few weeks away from their blooming time, so it was a bit of a challenge to capture the obvious beauty in the garden.

I decided to try and find beauty in more unusual places.  To capture joy in the moments instead.

I am a sucker for a pretty place to sit in the shade of the afternoon with a glass of tea and a magazine and this is one of my favorite places to do just that.  It sits under a 20 year old crepe myrtle tree and I can see the entire yard from here.  It is within pushing distance of our hanging baby swing and a great place to watch big wheels and bicycles whiz on by as they round the corners of our garden pathway.

This view reminds me of the sweet time we had out back yesterday in the warmth of the afternoon sun catching ice cubes in the kiddie pool and enjoying a frozen Popsicle.

Even the patches of overgrown weeds and cast off mushrooms can be beautiful with the right attitude.

Sometimes the view from our camera lens is just the vantage point we need to see beyond what we think a beautiful life should be and to focus on the little moments that happen everyday that make our lives truly lovely.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty - We certainly take all of the little wonders for granted, don't we? So many blessings to be thankful for.

    Enjoy your day!


  2. I LOVE these pictures. Real life. I can imagine sitting in that chair and looking out at your yard. Good discription of your day yesterday.

  3. Pretty pictures Patty :) Are those trees planted in the whiskey barrels or are they bottomless and just around the tree?

  4. Looks like a great place to make memories. Beautiful!

  5. I love the miniature windmill nestled in the corner.

  6. Patty, I love your sweet! I found you at Rue's! Have a great evening!


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