moving forward


Just popping in to wish you all a Happy Sunday and to let you know that I am doing much better. Sometimes just making a decision and moving forward in that direction is all it takes to start to mend.

I am retreating to my mom's for a couple of days.  I am so lucky to have her loving arms to run to and don't think I will waste anytime in telling her so.  Once I get back I feel a good deep cleaning and purge here at home coming on.  It is a couple of months overdue and very much needed.

I purposely haven't scheduled a thing for the entire summer except time spent with family and friends and I am looking forward to the slower pace.  Thanks again for you love and support.  I love this blogging community and the friends I have found here.

xo, Patty


  1. Patty - So glad you still have your Mother to go to in times like these. I have so many friends who spend so little time with their Mothers and I keep telling them what precious time they are wasting. Have a great time and come back refreshed and renewed and ready for the summer. It's such a shame that "friends" and "situations" can affect us so when that's not at all what the Lord wants for us.

    Blessings to you.


  2. Patty, your creations are just so cute! Wish I had your talent. Don't know what happened, but take care of yourself and find lots of solace at your mother's. Blessings, Bess

  3. Patty, I am glad you are taking time to be with your mother. I sure miss my mom. I miss my daughters being here with me. ...they have their own lives and families...but I some time need their hugs. We will all be together many times this summer. Bless you sweet girl, xoxo,Susie

  4. Enjoy your time with your Mom. May it leave you renewed and refreshed. xoxo Kim

  5. I have been a little absent lately. I must have missed something. I hope that you are okay and doing better. ((((HUGS))))


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