around here lately

I know it's been a while again.  Life has been a bit of a whirl wind around here lately but I see light at the end of the tunnel and a bit of a slow down is just around the corner.

The garden is in full swing out back and the flowers are prettier than ever.  I wish I could take credit for it but it's actually just the perennials doing what they do naturally.  We are waiting for some rain in the next couple of days which will be such a welcome and needed change.  I still have plans to edit and plant a bit out front before the real heat of summer sets in but I just haven't had the time.

I participated in my first handmade craft show last weekend and had so much fun. It's always a little scary putting your stuff out there but overall the experience was positive and very encouraging.  I have one more show this weekend and then I have a bit of a break until July.  I am hoping to use the time to stock up my poor neglected etsy shop with a few new things.

The grandkids (the two with me and the two in San Diego) and hubby are just fine.  I'm not going to lie, we have our moments but for the most part we have settled into a new normal.  My daughter is going back to school for her RN license so we may be a full house for longer than we originally thought but when you consider the benefits of a good paying career, it will all be worth it.

I hope to be back tomorrow with a quick instagram post.  I took a couple of pictures of my booth last week that I'll share with you then.

So what's been happening with you?

xo, Patty


  1. Good Afternoon Patty, Oh my word, your garden is beautiful. It is exactly the sort of garden I love... plants which once planted have self seeded themselves.
    It is lovely to see so much colour as my garden is just beginning to grow here in England. I am hoping in the next few weeks that all the plants will have a growth spurt so I can enjoy a little colour.
    Best Wishes

  2. Glad that you had a nice craft show.
    Love the flowers, and this time of year when they really show off!

    Have a great Mother's Day, and nice weekend.


  3. Patty, Your garden is just gorgeous! Love the little red wagon in there - I once put my red wagon on the porch and filled it with red geraniums. It was adorable!

  4. Oh, my! Your garden is so pretty. Love all of the color you have and everything looks so healthy!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. You are lucky to have such a wild array of flowers this early in the year! In central Oregon, we are still having snow.... and the two plants I did put out froze the other night! boo..... I so enjoy your garden.. and that photo with the one single rose is awesome. I'm hoping you'll post some of the things you have/had in your craft fair booth.... would love to see what you make! Life just never seems to slow down does it?

  6. I'm glad the show went well! I knew it would!
    xo Kris

  7. I was in charge of putting on an arts and crafts show for many years - it's a lot of work for the artists and you deserve some down time - glad it was a good experience :-)


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