that darn peer pressure

I did it again.  I let an off handed remark by someone I don't even know in real life influence me.  You would think that by this point in my life I wouldn't fall for that, but I do, and I did, and I am regretting it already.

I was reading one of my favorite blogs (aka, one of the cool kids) and the writer was talking about the evolution of blogs and said something to the affect of, remember when we were all starting out and we had a blog roll list on our sidebar, and then she kind of giggled. 

Immediately my thoughts started churning...what, it's not cool to have a blog roll anymore?  I have a blog roll...Is my blog antiquated?  Am I not keeping up?

So here's where the stupid comes in.  I went in and deleted it.  With one stroke I wiped out my friends and favorite reads from my blog.  The trouble is, that's one of the main ways I go visiting and blog rolls are how I found most of the blogs I now love and I think referring other blogs is the neighborly thing to do.

So I am in the process of reloading all the addresses I deleted.  Bare with me and if you would, send me over your blog address so that I can add it.  It's going to take me a while and I may play around with the placement of it but I miss my blog roll...I need my blog roll...

That darn peer pressure...

xo, Patty

All the photos were taking at CHA in January of the Authentique paper company booth.


  1. thank you for adding them back. your blog roll was one of my favorites. who cares if you're not cool in someone else's eyes :)

  2. You know what, I created a separate page a couple of years ago just because I read so many that it's kind of embarrassing. I like blog lists on sidebars! I like to see who inspires you because they might inspire me too. It is neighborly!! If you ever want to see my list it says Inspiring Friends on my sidebar and that takes you to the page.

  3. hmmmm......Peer Pressure still at our age my dear friend! I read this morning ..... covers all transgressions Proverbs 10:12
    Sometimes the best way to deal with things that get on our last nerve or that offend us or cause us to question ourselves is to over look it. The only person whom you should care you are cool our Father! I am pretty sure last I checked He would agree with me. You are WAY COOL!!!! I use your blog roll is very cool for many. And for those who don't like.....don't have to use it. I think it is personal choices and Lord knows we all have opinions when it comes to those!

    Love you my dear friend!

  4. I like the blog rolls. That is how I found some of my favorites. I don't think anything is outdated if you still like it. Our blogs are our own to do what we want with and have on them. I am glad that you are putting yours back.

  5. Hi Patty...So sorry you deleted your blog list. You know, there are as many opinions out there as there are blogs. I love my blog roll and don't care if I'm old-fashioned. There are wonderful people in blogland. My blog is part of my daily joy in life and comments from readers are icing on the cake. I'm glad you are putting your blog roll back. Susan

  6. So sorry about you deleting the blog list, believe me I have made a huge delete mistake of my own in the past, when I did a huge garden tour and then I deleted it all...can you believe it...we've all done it...I hope you get a new one made...I sure know how you feel

  7. Don't pay any heed, Patty - this lovely space you have created for yourself and so many others of us to enjoy, you can do with it as you want. Isn't peer pressure awful. I love peeking through other's blog rolls, it's the gateway to such wonderment! Glad you've decided to restore yours. Love & hugs, Gilly xx

  8. Patty, My gosh, please don't tell me we have to be cool....I do not know enough about computers to be cool. So I am just going to have to be me for a very long time...cause sweet girl, I just don't see any lights turning on over my head I like everyone blog rolls...I find others there..xoxo,Susie

  9. I have done that too. You can add mine if you like.

  10. These 'rules' for blogland, well, some of them are just plain silly. Like: don't make your post too long; don't add too many pics; don't do this; don't add that. Your blog is your personal space. Have or don't have whatever it is that YOU choose. I know my blog isn't up to speed by most blog standards, but I really couldn't care less. I like it just fine. If they were all just alike, how boring would that be?!

  11. Thank you for writing this post. I've thought about deleting my blog roll, but I've found so many great blogs from other lists that I've hesitated. Now, I'm going to expand mine and update it.


  12. I would be lost without my blogroll. Not only does it give others an opportunity to visit other blogs, it makes it easy for me to visit and stay in touch with the blogs I love. So glad you're loading yours back in....:)

  13. I actually never added one to my side bar, but having thinking of doing it! I haven't updated the look of my blog since I started...I guess I am out of touch! Maybe we out of touch bloggers are REALLY the COOL kids! Have a great day!!

  14. I have one and I plan on keeping it and to be honest I don't like it when someone has removed theres.

  15. Blogging was so nice when I was introduced to it in late 2010/early 2011. I have a different opinion now, especially of the "cool" blogs. Getting very out of hand!

  16. It is an easy thing to be influenced like that. Realizing a mistake and admitting it is the trickier task and you did it! Love your blog even more.

  17. This post "struck" me for a couple of reasons: 1. I totally give way to peer pressure like that too, and 2. I used to have a blogroll, and deleted it... I don't even remember the reason. I recently added it back so that I could share my favorite blogs. I love to see what blogs my favorite bloggers read!

  18. I read the same 'blog' and felt a little silly, like I was the outcast a school, the one who didn't fit in. I've never had my blog roll listed simply because I've never figured out how to do it! Isn't it funny/silly though that we still let those things bother us. Face it, I'm never gonna be a cool kid! Love your honesty.

  19. Say what??? I love my blog roll!

  20. well its odd you should post this.. I was over at Cozy Little House, Brenda's blog and I found you on her sidebar blogroll.
    so now I'll get the chance to follow you and I wouldnt have known you existed had it not been for Brenda:)

    so hello and nice to meet you.

  21. I like having a blog roll. It makes it easy for me to keep track of new posts from blogs I enjoy, like yours!


  22. This is your blog and no one else's. Keep your blog roll if you wish. I have one and I would not delete it for the world

  23. I agree, I have found some of my favorite blogs from someones blog roll. I'm keeping mine (although I do need to tweak it). I might be tempted to delete someone from my roll who thinks it's out of style! As most others have stated, the blog roll helps us find one another.


  24. I love my blog roll - and am keeping it - for all the reasons you and the others mentioned. I'm glad you're putting yours back on. :-) My blog address is

  25. See I've thought the opposite. Folks get too big for their britches and think they don't need all the other bloggers who helped them get where they are. I too like to visit from blog rolls.

  26. I think a blog roll gives more insight into the blogger - who they read says a lot about them. I don't have every blog I read on mine, because I don't like a list that is too long and outdated, but it's always something I look at when I read a new blog. You might find your next favorite blog that way!

  27. With rare exception, every blog I follow I found through someone's blog roll. It is the neighborly thing to do and so helpful in many ways--especially to someone who is just starting out. I am glad you are restoring yours.

  28. Most all the blogs I read come from blog rolls. Hear that all you other blogs. ; o

  29. It's so had to do what you do and not be swayed by the people that are "successful bloggers"...I know from my own list of silly follow-the-crowd oopsies.
    I'm glad you are putting it back because I love to browse through. <3

  30. My my blog roll is my Saturday morning pleasure.
    It is really for me - not for visitors to my blog.
    I would so miss it.

  31. I love reading other's blog roll. Like you, it is how I have found so many of my favorite blogs, and those of like mind. We are all individuals and must do what makes us happy.

  32. I made a pact with myself...I will abide by the rules of the road, in the workplace & of kindness.....but when it comes to my farm, my blog, my life...........I will always follow my own path. I know how hard it is though, and admire you standing up and saying, "nope"!

  33. I panicked when you said you deleted your blog roll, Patty. I visit your blog often and then go to your blog roll to check out my favorites that are on there. So glad you are reloading it!


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