on teaching the younger women

I wish I had a nickel for every time I changed directions on this blog...for every time I thought I had it all figured out and happily set about putting my plan into motion only to find out that my plans are not always His plans and the responsibility of working against His plans can be quite exhausting not to mention unproductive.

Never intending to, I think I have compartmentalized my blog life from my spiritual life.  I think I have attempted to keep this online space going in one direction while God's leading and calling in my life have been going another way.  I feel kind of like that old time act with the man spinning the white plates, running from one to the next, trying his best to keep them all in the air.

Then gravity and exhaustion take over and one by one the plates come crashing to the ground.

That is where I am...

So I took a little break to decide whether or not to keep this blog going or to start a new blog or to only write on my churches blog or even whether or not I even have anything to blog about.

After much prayer and thought, I came to the conclusion that I love to write, take pictures and share my life so giving up blogging altogether is not the answer.  As far as where to blog, I love the online friendships I have formed on Lemon Lane and I would miss you all if I stopped sharing here. 

So, that leaves content...what to blog about.  If you read this post, you know that God has called me to mentoring younger women and I am finding it a role I love to be in, so while my content will not change much, you may find it geared to women who my life experiences and walk of faith may benefit.  You will find more posts about my spiritual pursuit of God and his calling on my life.

"Similarly, teach the older women to live in a way that honors God.  They must not slander others or be heavy drinkers.  Instead, they should teach others what is good.  These older women must train the younger women to love their husbands and their children, to live wisely and to be pure, to work in their homes, to do good and to be submissive their husbands.  Then they will not bring shame on the word of God."  Titus 2:2-5

If I know my regular readers, you are mostly where I am in life and could write many of these posts yourselves.  I hope that won't stop you from stopping by and leaving your wise and encouraging comments.  I would certainly miss you but if I am to give this a real go, I need to follow where my heart leads me and that is to seek His glory while I write my story and to encourage the younger women coming along to do the same.

xo, Patty


  1. Write them and then pin them to pinterest. So many young wives and mothers on there searching for advice and the teaching we all used to get living near family and mothers and grandmas. You have a lot to give and I know God will use you prolifically.

  2. I'll read them. It's so funny because I just turned 50 this year too. When you realize you are the age to teach younger ones it's an interesting turn. Write them!!

  3. Patty I am glad you will continue to blog here on Lemon Lane Cottage, and your new plan and focus sounds faithful to what God wants. See you here and I enjoy your visits to my blog too. Did you see my post today where I mention the wonderful film "The Way"?

  4. Follow your heart dear friend!!!!

  5. I love that you are following your heart.

  6. I was wondering where you'd been, Patty! Glad to hear you're OK and that you were just trying to figure out what to do with your blog. I'm glad you're still going to be blogging and it sounds like a wonderful venture you're on. I do love your beautiful and color style of decorating though, so I hope you'll still be showing your house a little bit here and there. :-)

  7. Patty, God has given you a wonderful plan, I look forward to see it unfold as I continue to follow your blog.

    ~willa ~

  8. Although I am only one person following, I look forward to your posts.

  9. Hi- I appreciate your honesty in this post. And I also appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there and available to 'younger women'. I remember longing for an older gal in my life when I was just starting out. I don't know if I'm a 'younger woman or older'- at this point in life (married 15 years and teenage/pre-teen sons) I feel very much in the middle and many times I am both. My very best friend is 15 years older than I am and she is a delight and my inspiration in the LORD. But our relationship goes both ways and I could not have it any other way. It's the deep connection that takes us way past 'older' or 'younger'. And then there are the many women my age just starting their marriages/families . . . and suddenly I'm the one with experience- but never ever perfect in any of it. All that to say, I think anytime we submit our hearts and make ourselves available to whatever God unfolds, it's all made very good. I have no doubt He is using and will continue to use you to be an incredible gift to others- whatever their place in life. :)

  10. I love your posts. I am going to be 40 ~ and many times I am encouraged with what you write. Thank you for sharing from your heart!!

  11. Sounds like you're on the right path to me. For this to be on your heart it must be God directing you in the right direction. I'll enjoy visiting again and following your journey. Blessings.

  12. Blogging can be confusing sometimes can't it? But you know, we change, why shouldn't our focus? That is part of life if we don't want to stagnate. I have struggled with what direction to take in blogging to, so far I'm not sure I have come up with a solid plan, so I just share whatever strikes my fancy. I always think of my blog as my own little world where I can do as I please, whatever you do I'll be here reading:>)

  13. Patty, I always if one follows the heart they find a path unfolds. It sounds like you are there. I always enjoy checking in on you.

  14. I will look forward to reading your blog. No matter what direction you take, your love for the Lord and the messages you put here are always a shining example for me and I'm sure others too.

  15. Good for you, Patty. I think if you follow your heart you will do exactly what is right for you with your blog. Change is never easy but sometimes it is needed and it sounds like YOU know where that need is taking you. Good for you. I will continue to follow along on your journey- xo Diana

  16. I haven't been coming here long but I enjoy your posts so very much. I find them inspiring and hope that you continue here...follow your heart for it is never wrong...;j

  17. Patty, the best bloggers are not the ones with the nonsensical airy topics, they are the ones who write from the heart, about any topic weighing in their mind, about their faith, even a lack of faith, if it is from the heart, it is meant to be written and communicated. I believe that. You steer this baby any direction you want, and I will be reading along!

  18. Others have said it and I say it, too: Follow your heart, Patty. It isn't a simple matter, oftentimes, discovering our path, but whenever we do, what a blessing.

    I don't comment often but I so enjoy your blog and photos. I will be here cheering you on.

  19. Patty, I am so happy u have decided to stay with your blogging on Lemon Lane!! I love your posts and enjoy always stopping by!! I love your thoughts and encouragement ...and your pics are beautiful!! Your thoughts are deep and often spark a thought that I never thought of or looked at before!! Your home is beautiful and decorating creative!! Goodness, I could go on and on!! But I'm happy to know you are not leaving us!

  20. Patty, I am so happy u have decided to stay with your blogging on Lemon Lane!! I love your posts and enjoy always stopping by!! I love your thoughts and encouragement ...and your pics are beautiful!! Your thoughts are deep and often spark a thought that I never thought of or looked at before!! Your home is beautiful and decorating creative!! Goodness, I could go on and on!! But I'm happy to know you are not leaving us!

  21. Patty, it sounds like we have been going through very similar experiences with our blogs! I'm glad you decided to keep blogging, on your own terms, your own way (or should I say His terms?). You are such an inspiration and joy to read, I'm glad you'll be staying. I'm happy to read whatever you write, and of course see whatever pictures you share. Blessings & Hugs!! ~Angela~

  22. Patty,
    Follow your heart, dear friend!!!
    I'll be following you wherever you share your voice!!!
    I so admire all that you are sharing with the young women of your Church Family!!!
    I'll be watching for new posts, frequently!!!
    P.S. I copied your Scripture reference from today's post.
    I don't know when or where I will use it. . .but felt a stirring of the Spirit!!!


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