comparison- my unword


When the challenge went out from Edie over at life in grace to find my "unword" (whatever word you want to undo in your life) it didn't take me long to settle on this one...
Whatever word you want to {UN}do in your life

Whatever word you want to {UN}do in your life

Such a nasty word for us women isn't it?  I have struggled with it my entire life.  I can remember as far back as kindergarten and wishing I was someone else or that my life looked like someone else's.  I was never thin enough, pretty enough, athletic enough, popular enough, I just wasn't enough.

I grew up in an intact family and I was loved.  I know my mom will be reading this and I don't want her to think it was anything she did or didn't do.  I can't explain it and I am not sure when it even began but at some point early on I started thinking that the grass was greener in other people's yards and the comparison began. 

What I do know is that I am tired of it.  I am tired of letting that nasty word suck the life out of what I have been blessed with.  I have gotten better as I have aged but it still pops up when the universe doesn't spin according to my plans and purposes.  My thoughts will start to drift off to what I perceive other peoples lives to be.

Here's the thing with the mind, once you begin to believe a certain way or think a certain thing it is extremely difficult to reset your default button.  Even though I know that nobodies life is perfect and that we will all have times of color and times of black and white, without changing the way I think, I don't have a chance of ridding myself of comparing my life with others.

One of my memory verses this year is Romans 12:2.

"Do not copy the customs and behaviors of the world but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

As long as I am focused on God's will for my life, what's happening in other peoples lives isn't important.  As long as I am living my life for an audience of One, it's just me and Him and I have know one else to compare my life to. 

I loved this challenge.  I am all about seeking out one positive word to focus on each new year but how much better served my life will be if I can give over my "unword" to the One who desires to give me a life which is good and pleasing and perfect.  How much easier it would be to live the life I was intended to live.

xo, Patty


  1. What a wonderful post, so true, each and every word! I love all the pretty ribbons!

  2. You said it perfect! I struggle myself sometimes as I read some of my favorite blogs and look at all the pictures, But then I chuckle to myself. Who in there right mind is going to post pictures of their daily lives. Dishes in the sink, newspaper on the table, a dust bunny under the hutch, So I just enjoy the pretty pictures and turn my thought to where they need to be focused. Enjoy you day! Hugs!!

  3. Oh, I so struggle with this too.... big time. Thank you so much for this post, and for the scripture reference... I'm journaling it now.... ♥♥♥

  4. I know I struggle with the same thing, thanks for sharing this because it's very encouraging. We do need to focus our thoughts on the Lord and what His will is for us from moment to moment ... then the thoughts won't be so much on ourselves. I'm going to share your link on my Facebook page in case it might encourage others.

    Hugs ~ Mary

  5. Good morning Patty. I think many of us women do the same thing. Maybe it is a female thing? For me, hitting 50 was liberating. I was free. I didn't concern myself with anyone else thought, and I felt free to follow my true heart. Finally, I grew up, at 50!!! Beautiful post. We are all vulnerable. You are not alone my friend. I have missed the previous post too. Lovely fabrics! I have some unfinished things to do too!!!! So I shall join you in letting 2014 be the year to finish projects left undone!
    Have a great day.
    XO Kris

  6. Good morning! This was a great post and soo true as well of course. I agree with Kris. I think all women at one time or another have fallen prey to this. It is just human nature. Goodness knows I have been there and done that. Not as much as I have gotten older,,.just one of the perks, you just don't seem to care as much. lol And yet how much better off am I when I compare myself to Him and then try to live a life that pleases Him as best I can? Great scripture reference! Enjoy your day!

  7. A post with so much truth in it. Comparison is so devastating and so pervasive. Romans 12:2 is a great verse.

  8. Oh Patty ~ you have hit it on the nail head. I am one to "compare" all the time. I think it is a human condition. I am so blessed to have read this today. I have been struggling with this for a while. YOU my friend have made a huge difference in my life today. THANK YOU~ We must take each day and start with HIM. As long as our eyes are focused on JESUS ~ nothing else matters. Everything will fall away and we will dwell with him ~ even here on earth. What a joy, what a peace. Thank you

  9. So well said Patty! This is something I find myself struggling with too. And Romans 12 is one of my very favorite chapters in the Bible (verse 12 is my favorite). Thank you for the gentle reminder. :)

  10. I think you chose a very wise 'unword' to focus on. We all do it don't we, compare, I don't know when it starts either. Best wishes and Blessings for your new 'un.' Love the verse too. ;j

  11. I totally understand this entire post - Thanks!
    Undoing comparisons is a wonderful goal.

  12. Patty,
    You are a unique individual, created by God for His purpose!!!
    I love your "unword" challenge!!!
    . . .and I adore your organization and all your lovely ribbon!!!


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