when worlds collide

Some title, huh?  You might want to grab a cup of coffee, this is a long one. 

I think I've come to a point in my life where my world as a nester, my world as believer and my world as an artist have finally collided.

My natural instinct is to nest, that's for sure.  I love taking care of people, almost too much.  I can border on enabling those around me...(I am sure my family would laugh at the bordering part and say emphatically that I have gone over that line a time or two or twenty).  I enjoy nothing more than to spend a day cocooned in my home planning and prepping, fiddling and organizing to my hearts content.

I am in love with Jesus Christ and owe everything good about my life to Him.  Every talent I possess,
every joy that comes my way and every hard lesson with a silver lining, is from Him.  My very existence now and forever is because He felt I was worthy to die for.

My life as an artist has always been there but it is the one that I have pushed to the side when time was tight.  It was the one that I questioned the most when my self esteem took a beating.  In fact, the very term artist is a hard one for me to use regarding myself.

Last year made me come to terms with so many things about life.  What is important, what can be lost in a moment and what purpose God has for me here. 

The time finally came to face the question as to whether I was all in for Him or whether I was going to continue settling for comfortable and familiar.  What I realized is that comfortable and familiar can be taken aways from you at any time.  If my life is going to stand for anything that brings glory to Him, I must be passionately all in.  If I was not going to squander the talents He gave me, my worlds would have to collide.

Weighty stuff for sure.  You would think I would be scared to step out and be all in, but the funny thing is, I have never felt more sure of anything in my life.  I am not sure where I am going, but I know if I don't take the first step I'm not going anywhere and where is the passion and excitement in that.

If you made it this far, I have a feeling you are either searching too, or have been right where I am before.

I would love to hear how your worlds would collide if you let them?  Or if they already have, how has that changed your life?  I'll leave this post up over the weekend just in case you need to think about it and get back to me.  Some questions take more pondering than others.

xo, Patty


  1. A very interesting post and so much truth in it too. My great frustration at this point in my life is that my cronic illness l have had the past 12 years is holding me back and making me feel like a bird in a cage. I have all these thoughts and ideas l feel so passionatly about and most often not strength enough to get out my front door. Doing a lot of praying these days. In a sence one could say that my inner and outer world are really colliding. Someone once said that our life is like a jigsaw puzzle, we only see some of the pieces at a time, but God sees the whole puzzle as a finished picture and He only asks that we trust and follow. Blessing from Pam

  2. Patty,

    Gosh, I have read and reread your post. Very impactful, friend!

    My worlds collided about five years ago when I stopped trying to be everything to everybody. I found me....I was going to say I found me AGAIN but realized this was the first time in my life that I allowed myself to just 'be.'

    I believe we can honor God in our everyday lives with the little things.....the way we think....the way we appreciate what we have....the way we speak to others....the kindness we show or don't show. Simply smiling at someone when we are grocery shopping is so honoring God. We will never know how much that smile meant to them.

    I don't think going out and setting the world on fire is always the answer. For me, living a quiet and kind life works.

    Loved your post....you make me think. Blessings to you always!


  3. I wish we lived closer...we have so much in common...perhaps it is because of the recent sadness we share with our Dads...I don't know..but I have always said that my teaching at the college level was the ministry that God provided for me...mainly because I never set out for this particular career...it literally landed in my lap one day with a phone call from the local college....however, the past few months I had the strange feeling that God was ready for me to move on to a different ministry...and then the pieces started falling into place that led the way for me to quit...and I did after Fall semester. I don't know where God is leading me now...I need to work...but I am exploring many different areas...and praying fervently and not worrying as I know that this is where God wants me to be and His ministry for me will piece itself together and I will know where He wants me...it is all a matter of faith...just as you wrote here.

  4. I love, love, love your blog. It is a marvelous place filled with positive and encouraging words. You have your know little ministry here . . . and what a great place to spread God's love.
    Here is to a bright and shiny new year . . . God bless you.
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  5. how encouraging to know that others struggle with these same issues. May you be blessed in your walk with Jesus and find the understanding and peace you so desire. Be well.

  6. We all need to find our special place in life! What a lovely post. One that gets the thoughts going. Have a lovely weekend!

  7. Well, you certainly do inspire Patty! I love your artwork!!! It is fun, happy, uplifting, and tells a story!
    Hugs to you,

  8. Patty this post touches such a deep place in my heart. It is as if you were writing for me. I have always felt this pull to follow my heart and make things, it is a longong that has been nurtured by blogging and the encouragement I have found online. Intertwining that longing with my love of Christ and making a home is pure bliss. I have been a SAHM mom most of my married life, and find myself in a job that sucks the life out of me. I have a new understanding for the many women for whom staying at home is just not an option. It is an option for me, and one that I am working up the courage to move forward on. It is so good to see that others feel the same way! I have often wished there was a way to conference call or open a chat for the kindred spirits we meet online who share our struggles and dreams! Just being able to all get together and talk it out would be so wonderful! Thank you for this post, it speaks to me:>)

  9. By the way... your art is really beautiful! I think it's time that you accept the term "artist" as your own.

  10. I love your artwork and if you can use it as a means to express your love for the Lord, then I can't think of anything better!

  11. I think you summed up right where I am...and you have given me food for thought...deep thought.
    Great post!!

  12. Love thought provoking post and your gorgeous artwork. I feel that God is speaking to me to journey down paths I haven't taken... I definitely want to be all "in".

  13. Patty, is this your artwork? I am so impressed by its heartfelt beauty!


  14. Patty,
    I have seen such growth in your spiritual life through your blog...your growth and mine, dear friend! Thank you for being bold in the Word and for making us think about where our journey is taking us. The walk with friends makes life much sweeter as the days go by, indeed!!!

  15. Your post reminds me of the book "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. It is time we quit being lukewarm Christians and just love the Lord and others with all we've got! Follow your heart, and enjoy the journey. You do amazing art, and are an inspiration too many. I agree with Barb's post, in that it is often in the little things throughout our day that we are showing God's love- the smile, the compliment, the hug, the phone call or email So many possibilities, and the more we show love, the more God smiles and blesses our journeys.
    God Bless,

  16. You've inspired me, Patty. May the coming year hold amazing things for you as you follow your heart.

  17. Wow, this is my first visit to Lemon Lane Cottage and this post really struck a chord with me. I have felt a collision coming for a long time now and will take your invitation to ponder. Perhaps I can get back with you on an answer? And by the way, your art is lovely.

  18. Ditto what Faith said!!! I'll be back. :)


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