SATURDAY MORNING - This and that and flowers from the garden...

I think I've found my blogging groove again and it feels pretty good.  With all the shiny new ways to share on social media (and I do love sharing on instagram, facebook and now YouTube) the art of blogging will always be home for me.  I have been typing my heart out in blog posts for nearly nine years and have recorded some major highs and lows in my life along the way.

And our Saturday Morning chats about everything and nothing at all are my absolute favorite.

This morning as I sat in my favorite chair reflecting on the uncertainty of life, I realized just how much I have to be thankful for.  While the last 12 months have been some of the hardest of my life, I have not walked them alone and for that I am extremely grateful.

Not only have I had an army of heavenlies waging war on my behalf but I have had no shortage of earthly angels at every curve, dip and plummet in the road to hold my hand, offer encouragement and remind me just Who is in control of this sometimes hard and unpredictable life.  Oh, and the prayers that have been said for me and mine have been nothing less than hope inducing, faith furthering and downright humbling.

There is still much that I don't know and plenty that I don't understand and wish was different but I'm finally in a place to accept it all as the will of a good, good Father who loves me more than I can even fathom.  And as long as my head will reassure my heart of that truth, I have peace.

That brings us to flowers from the garden...

We had an especially wet spring this year and my garden is just bursting at the seams with flowers for both cutting and giving.  I went out a couple of days ago and gathered up this barrel full of beautiful blooms and promptly got to making arrangements to share with friends.  I had a blast cruising town dropping them off with a quick hello before heading off for the next destination.

I was reminded once again about the heart of's not about the price of the gift but the fullness of the heart that gives it.  Don't you agree?

I'd love to hear what you give to others that comes from your heart.  Are you a baker, a maker or a gardener like me?

Happy Saturday lovelies!

xo, Patty

I'd love to have you join me over on YouTube where I share more of my cottage style in the home and garden.  Here's the link, Lemon Lane Cottage.


  1. Patty, I am glad you feel like blogging again. I have always loved your blog. You did some beautiful arrangements with your flowers. I like that you recycled your jars also. I like bouquets from the gardens. I used to take bouquets to my sister. I don't have as many flowers, my black eyed Susans and cone flowers are pretty much dying out. I will be changing the very back garden this year. One of my favorite ways to cheer people is sending cards...people like to know we are thinking of them. But I like that you deliver your bouquets to your friends. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  2. Love the floral arrangements! What a truly special gift of sunny goodness :)

  3. Your bouquets are beautiful; they'd make a gorgeous surprise for each recipient!


  4. What a blessing to receive such a beautiful gift
    Karen x


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