That darn squirrel - let's chat


The sun is shining on what promises to be a spectacular day and weekend for that matter.  I woke up fully intent on going out to do a little garden clean up this morning but unfortunately I walked passed my craft studio and the pretty projects I have been working on were hanging on my design wall and just drew me here I sit.  That darn squirrel, always taking our focus off what we should be doing.

Is it my imagine or has distraction been a bit of a theme for me lately?

No worries, I'm heading outside just as soon as I hit the publish button on this post.  I just wanted to show you these sweet project bags I'm working on and to let you know that I am re-opening my etsy shop one more time.  I expect to be up and running by the end of next week.

I have been having so much fun (and spending a good amount of time) assembling these that my husband says I need to try and sell them, so that's my plan.  I think he's hoping I make enough money to hire a housekeeper since my time is not being spent there...cough, cough!

I will let you know when the shop opens here and on instagram just as soon as possible.

Thank you for all your kind comments on my last post.  I am feeling great and am looking forward to all that this year has in store.

xo, Patty


  1. Oh- Those are just darling, Patty! What fun and I love your fabric choices.

    I am planning to open my Etsy, too, now that I have last year behind me. I won't have the pretty handmades you have though. xo Diana

  2. I have that same squirrel running around my house! Hmmm. I would much rather pay someone to clean and play in the studio. Your bags are adorable!

  3. Patty,

    I'm glad I found you again. I had your blog bookmarked, but indicated it was no longer available. So before deleting you, I did a search and there you were. Happy New Year. I look forward to your posts and the re-opening of your Etsy shop.

    Susan in PA

  4. Hi Patty :)

    It seems I'm not the only one that needed a few breaks from Blogland. I hope you're doing okay and that whatever it is that was making you struggle is gone.

    Happy 2017, my friend.



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