our first month and other random stuff


It's been just about a month since our household grew from two to five and for the most part we are all making the adjustment just fine.  We still have our hiccups and boundary issues but day by day we are falling into a routine and for this over scheduler, routines are good...very good.

The boys are thriving and seeing them so happy certainly off sets any of the growing pains we adults are facing.  They went from an apartment with little outdoor time to our big yard so outside time is a favorite.  In fact, it is hard for me to sneak outside to putter without a certain fourteen month old lifting those deliciously pudgy arms for me to take him out with me.

I have gotten quite good at finding ways to contain him out there without him realizing it.  It's amazing what comes back to you when you surround yourself with little people.

The other thing that has come back is our need for food and lots of it.  Needless to say, my weekly trip to the grocery store is just not cutting it.  I seem to be running for more bread, eggs and milk every other day.  My discretionary food budget (aka art supply and plant money) has dwindled to nearly non-existent.

Being outside watching little ones has certainly motivated me to get some work done on the gardens. I have been buying a few annuals every week to freshen up the pots we have tucked into the perimeter of the yard.  I finally managed to clean up the area in the back with my raised beds and found a few tomato plants that had reseeded themselves with fruit already on the vine.

Life is good here on Lemon Lane, not perfect but really good.  It's amazing the difference a positive attitude makes in accepting life changes.  Focusing on the privilege it is to help raise another generation instead of the loss of my freedom made all the difference.  I don't know how long they'll be with us but that's not really important anymore because just about the time I set a time schedule, the whole thing could change again.

This lesson of acceptance has been a hard one for me but hopefully...it's one I'm finally getting.

xo, Patty


  1. You just point out that life is never perfect but always good. Truly, there is always good if we look for it. :)

  2. Life does look good on Lemon Lane, Patty! Those kids are just darling...and it is fun to see someone having fun outdoors. We are still below freezing at night here. xo Diana

  3. It seems like just when we get comfortable with the way things are, things change! It's sad but true....but with change, there is usually something good that comes from it, or we learn to see things in a new light. A positive attitude definitely DOES make a difference....and trying to see the good in the changes. Good for you for setting an example for those of us who still find acceptance of the changes in our lives a bit hard sometimes!

  4. Good morning dear Patty. I am here catching up with my friends and see that you have been quite busy! I didn't know that the kids were back living with you. We need to talk!
    xo Kris

  5. Attitude sure can be a difference maker and sometimes I have to remind myself of that. As a matter of fact, I really needed that reminder today. So thank you!

  6. Patty,
    The photo of the two together stole my heart!!!
    God bless your heart for giving shelter and consistency to these little ones!!!
    May blessings abound at Lemon Lane Cottage!!!


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