seedlings in the garden


I took these pictures of the garden on Friday, it was sunny and clear and very springlike.  Now as I'm typing this it has turned chilly and we are getting a much needed down pour of rain.  Such is the world of blogging.

So many volunteer seedlings coming up and filling in the empty spaces in my back perennial bed.

I am way behind in my garden clean up and spring plantings.  Usually by the end of February I have a pretty good show of new flowers surrounded by fresh mulch.  Not this year.

I don't know why I haven't gotten the urge.  Maybe it's because we never really had a winter so the need for spring flowers doesn't feel as urgent.

Whatever the reason, I am thankful that these pretty annuals didn't wait for me and showed up all on their own.  Daisies, cilantro, cosmos and larkspur dotting the beds...

I'm hoping to play catch up in the next week or two and I'll be sure to share a few photos along the way.  What about you, are you in the planning or planting stage? Or is your garden already bursting forth with blooms?

xo, Patty


  1. Lucky you! I'm in Louisville, Kentucky where we are in a deep freeze (negative temps) with about 8 inches of snow on the ground so no spring planting or planning yet! Nice to see your flowers though!

  2. How beautiful! It was 3 below here this morning, so seeing your flowers brings one hope!

  3. Your annuals are beautiful . . . that California weather just can not be beat for growing flowers. It will be mid June before I see anything like that is my garden. Have fun getting your hands dirty:)

  4. I love these pictures! I don't have any flowers in my yard, but I know this is just a season. Thank you for sharing yours!

  5. Your garden looks beautiful, Patty :)

    I don't know if the people that had my house before me purposely killed most of the plants, but I'm in the process of putting in new ones. Right now, the only flowers showing up are the ones in my pots that I just put in.

    It's raining and cold here today, just like where you are. It's kind of a nice break :)

  6. Oh, Patty...I can only wish and dream right now. I just did a blog post on how sick and tired I am of winter. It is still bitter cold here (-9!) and blanketed in snow.

  7. So beautiful! We are about -2 right now so it will be awhile yet. But we do have a pretty blue sky today!

  8. We won't see spring or anything green for a few months, but I am starting to dream. Love your sweet little flowers :-)

  9. I tried so hard last year to grow cilantro in a container, but I just don't think liked either the pot, the local or me. I do enjoy cilantro on salads and in salsa,


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