Fresh Flowers and Bringing Joy to the Everyday


 I have been purposefully making a run to Trader Joe's every week to purchase a pretty bunch of fresh flowers.  It is a bit out of the way and yes, I do grow flowers in my garden but the act of selecting just the right color to suit my mood or match my tablecloth brings me such joy.

Every time I pass by the dinner table on my way in or out of the kitchen, I can't help but smile. 

I find that giving myself just a small gift helps to remind me that what I do is not just a task on a to do list but a vital part of running our household.  Making things pretty with decor or a lit candle shows that you take pride in your home and the contribution you make to it.

I am not talking about getting in debt or buying in excess but a relatively inexpensive thing like a bouquet of flowers, a sweet smelling candle, a set of new tea towels or a pretty notebook to plan menus in can be a real attitude changer and turn an ordinary thing like cooking, washing dishes or dusting feel a little less like drudgery and more like a blessing.

The things I mentioned come with a small price tag but spending money isn't necessary to give yourself and your home this same feeling. You can set out your best dishes and light a candle when you sit down for lunch by yourself or reuse that pretty wrapping paper you are saving to line your kitchen drawers so that you are greeted with something lovely each time you reach for a fork or a spoon. There are so many ways to bring added joy to what we do in an ordinary day.

With things as expensive as they are right now that $10.00 purchase might seem like an unnecessary splurge but to me it is worth every penny.  You just can't put a price tag on the boost that those special little things can do for your mental health.

I know that true joy comes from a deeper, spiritual place but the simple act of treating yourself to something special can brighten your mood and make you more willing to do for others with a better attitude. Don't you agree?

What are some of your favorite attitude lifters around the home? How do you bring joy to the everyday?

xo, Patty


  1. Beautiful flowers, Patty! I don't often buy flowers and I never cut mine from outside because I love looking at them when I'm out there and can't bear to cut them :)

    But, something that brings me instant joy around the house is straightening the living room every morning after my husband leaves for work. I open all of the curtains, fluff the couch pillows, clear away any clutter on the end tables and light a candle on the diningroom table or put some essential oils in the diffuser. Then I throw a load of clothes in the washer (I especially love it when it's "whites" and I can add a touch of bleach) and the house starts to smell fresh and clean. All of that is "free"!!

    I also keep my dining table decorated for the season, so it always looks pretty when I walk by. Just little things. I find that when my living area is clean and pretty, it makes all the difference in my mental attitude.

  2. Patty, your blog is just so refreshing! I am always blessed by your words - here in print and your encouragement on the YT channel. Thanks for sharing your heart with us! Putting out my seasonal decor brings both me and my husband a sense of home...and, yes, joy! Sometimes I wonder if it is really necessary (with all the kids grown) but year after year, we really enjoy it. Especially during this season - our favorite for decor!:) Hope you are having a blessed week!

  3. Trader Joe's has the best flowers! They are beautiful! As is this lovely blog of yours! Have a wonderful week! : )

  4. Hi! Patti, I love reading your blog and all about the beautiful flowers you place around your home. I like to see my flowers out in the yard, but will cut them and bring them in, not always...but I do. I haven't bought flowers at the grocery. Our grocer doesn't have them! But if I went to the next country the first grocery store there does- and I'm considering it for the winter- just to add a touch of color when the days are dreary.
    I'm going to message you on Instagram about my blog. it's taken me a bit to get going. But I'm here.


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