I know December is supposed to be the busier month and November the more laid back, pre-holiday, dream and plan month but that hasn't been true around here.  It seems October ended with a relaxed little gathering of girlfriends and November rushed in with wave after wave of busy days.

Not that I'm complaining...at all.  It has all been good stuff including time with friends and family,
many shopping trips, meals out and plenty of house and garden work.  That's why I'm hoping to finish all my Christmas prep work before December 1st so that I can just cruise through my favorite holiday season without too much to get done everyday.

I have been so careful (but severely tempted) not to rush through Thanksgiving and have not put up one single Christmas decoration.  I love what Thanksgiving represents and this year I am blessed to be hosting my kids, their kids and their significant others around the table and I am going to savor every minute of it.

My oldest daughter is moving to Virginia for four years in the spring (her husband is in the Navy) and I don't know when I will get this opportunity again so I have planned and prepped to my hearts content and now that it's only a couple of days away I am having to remind myself that all families are imperfect (most of all me) and not to expect too much.

I have indoor and outdoor activities for the adults and kids planned plus a little gift at the end of scavenger hunt for each of my grands.

I know, I know...just go with the flow and be thankful we are all healthy and happy.  But I'm an eternal optimist and secretly...I still hope.

Just in case you haven't come up with a table centerpiece yet, I'm sharing how I put mine together with things from around the house and it was FREE!  Just one more thing to help make the day even more special and one to remember.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving my friends!

xo, Patty


  1. Hi Patty! I'm so enjoying your utube videos and am very grateful to have found them. I feel like we're long lost friends already!
    I admit, I have put up my Christmas tree. Never before have I done it so early but since we aren't hosting Thanksgiving this year, and my Hubby was available to dig out the decorations last Saturday, we went ahead and decorated.
    I don't know if you know that I have a blog too. If you would like to visit that would be great, but no pressure. :-)
    I hope you have a very blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy every moment with your family so near.

  2. I've just watched the video.. I love it.. in fact I love all your videos.. have a Happy Thanksgiving..

  3. All your things looks good. Happy Thanksgiving:)

  4. Hi Patty! I just wanted to pop over and tell you that I've got your youtube channel on the front page of my blog as one of my "favorites" this week! Hop on over and see it!


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