
I haven't always embraced Halloween.   There was a time when I was careful to go the "cute" route with happy pumpkins and bales of hay (not that there is anything wrong with that) sticking to what would naturally occur in my decor.

Halloween decor

Maybe it's having grand boys around or maybe it's just not really caring as much what my house
should and shouldn't look like according to what my peers are doing, I'm not sure but as I have gotten a bit older I am more likely to embrace my spooky side and throw in a few skeletons, spiders and witches.

Halloween Decor

halloween decor

Heck even sparkly, sequined purple bats have made their way into my heart and home this year and I am absolutely loving it.

halloween decor

That's the great thing about Halloween... 

because it's a holiday purely for fun it's so much easier to throw caution (and sometimes taste, ha! ha!) to the wind and just go for it.  And when you have stores like the Dollar Tree putting out such cute stuff it's easy to do it without breaking the bank or even your budget.

halloween decor

halloween decor

halloween decor

This year as we have for the last nine years, I decorated our dining room hutch and the front porch with the help and supervision of my nine year old grandson.  What a fun way to spend time with him and teach him the value of traditions.

halloween decor

I also changed out our table centerpiece but I'll show that and a party buffet tablescape next week.  So what about you, Yay or Nay to Halloween decor?

xo, Patty

Here's the link to my Halloween decor videos with a full tour of our front porch and hutch.  I'd love for you to subscribe and join in on the conversation because life isn't about perfection, it's about connection.


  1. I like what you have done. I have done the cute thing too. Hubby would always sneak in a spider and skeleton to scare me.

  2. Patty, I love your new decorations. Letting your grandson help will create memories for him . He will probably talk about this when he is older. I think kids truly like Halloween....for the fun times of trick or treating . Blessings, xox, Susie
    p.s. I pray you are safe .

  3. That is just plain fun, Patty! I love all your decorations-they are fun and just a tad spooky. lol I coulda done without the spiders. lol xo Diana


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