
I love October for all the reasons I'm sure most of you do.  There is just a hint of something special in the everyday that lures us into the beauty of Autumn and I think October speaks to this more than any other month.

We have enjoyed a few days of actual fall weather and I have taken full advantage.  My days have been spent doing a whole lot of nothing tucked into the things that need to be done.  The rush to begin anew that accompanies September has started to wane and the desire to sit back and savor has begun.

I have already watched my favorite fall movie, You've Got Mail, twice with a steaming mug of tea in hand.  I have actually had to pull the blanket up over me at night to fight off the chill in the air and have nearly reached for my favorite over sized sweatshirt as I crawled out of bed the last few mornings.

My time in the kitchen has taken on a different flavor as well.  Instead of quickly preparing something to eat and getting out of a hot kitchen, I have been taking my time planning menus and trying new things.  The oven is calling for banana bread, pumpkin scones and chocolate chip cookies to be baked in the very near future.

I love how everything turns homeward this time of year.  The days are grower shorter, darkness is coming sooner, making the comforts of home even sweeter.  Do you feel it, too?

xo, Patty


  1. I just saw a commercial for the Pioneer Woman's line at Walmart and I felt like I was in your kitchen. It is so colorful and charming.

  2. Yes. I love it. Temps are finally cooling down here too.I think it's time to enjoy before the rush begins! Pretty pictures! Enjoy your upcoming baking.

  3. I do feel it! I feel the same way , all cozy and wanting to bake. Last night was meatloaf and new potatoes. After a summer of salads it was sooo good! I have been dying to bake cookies. The nights have been in the 40's here and the days in the 60's. The only thing I am not a fan of is the early dark. I need light!

  4. I'm feeling it too! October is one of my favorite months for all of those cozy reason! Spiced cider, pumpkins, plaid everything!! We just went to the pumpkin patch today actually. :) You've got Mail is one of my favorite fall movies, too! We also like Must Love Dogs and Dan in Real Life! Oh and I watch Little Women this time of year with my mom and sister!

  5. I do feel it. I've been lighting candles with spicy fragrances and I filled a bowl and a basket up with scented pine cones. I love having one near the door so that it is the first thing someone smells as they enter our home. Oh, and I've started trading my quick showers for long relaxing bubble baths . . . it just feels so good and warming this time of the year. Not to mention comfort foods, like chili and hot beef stew.

  6. My exact thoughts! I've been allowing myself time to sit and relax this week. It's been nice!

  7. This is my favorite time of the year...warm pots of soup and fires in the fireplace, crisp quiet mornings and watching the leaves turn. I love the fall colors you have brought into your house. It all looks so cozy and inviting.

  8. You've Got Mail is my all-time favorite movie! Fall is definitely my favorite time of year, though we may break a record if it reaches 91 degrees on Sunday. My body is already acclimating to the cooler weather, which I love.
    I enjoyed your lovely pictures!

  9. I also love how the autumn weather changes our routine. We are enjoying every moment here.

  10. In So. Calif. it definitely does not feel like Fall yet, it isn't even cooling down at night! I am so sick of our heat - I cannot wait for cooler weather!


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