Creating a Cozy Home and Garden


Now that the gardens are finally finished (as finished as a garden can be) and the heat is coming on, it's time to move inside and focus on creating a cozy interior.  We've been here two and a half years and I still have so much of our home that I haven't touched since we moved in. I'm not really sure why it's taken me so long to get going on it but here we are.

A bit of background. We sold all of our furnishings when we left Lemon Lane Cottage because we wanted a fresh start, maybe even a whole new style. The house was in a pretty sad state both inside and out with sparse landscape and a dark and dreary interior. We decided to paint the interior white and put in hardwood floors before we moved in just to brighten up the space. 

Once that was done we hastily bought new more modern furniture for the dining room and living room and hoped the house would somehow show us our new "style".  Well, it hasn't.  So now here we are today in a sparsely decorated house with furniture that I don't love (or even like on most days).  

As a gardener it was easy for me to ignore the inside and focus my attention on our outdoor spaces. Now with three growing seasons behind me, the backyard is finished.  It is densely planted in a cottage hacienda style and I adore it.

That brings us back to the interior.  It has become clear to me that our houses don't dictate our style, we do. Yes, there is an architectural element that needs to be addressed but with imagination and heart, that can be bent to fit our personal taste and sense of hearth and home. For me in my heart, I love a cozy cottage vibe that includes color, pattern and fabric. 

With new furniture that has hard lines and neutral colors, I have my work cut out for me especially working on a retired couples budget.  But I have faith over time, nook after nook, it can become the cozy home I'm craving. 


I will share every step of the way here in detail and on instagram in snap shots.  I hope you'll join me and maybe find a little inspiration along the way.

XO, Patty

1 comment

  1. Patty...I love this! I think our homes have to reflect OUR style, no matter the style of home, because the inside is an expression of who we are. When I think of you, I think cozy, colorful, cottage, garden, and all things creative and fun. What fun to look forward to! I can't wait to see what you incorporate. Like maybe some colorful checked pillows on your sleek couch? A quilt? painted chests, like before? Bring back the things that make you happy when you walk into each room. That's so important!


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