
I have noticed that there is a direct correlation between day after day of hot weather and my mood and not in a positive way.  I have always lived in a dry, warm climate so it's not like this isn't  something I'm used to but it does seem with every passing year the dog days of summer seem to last a bit longer.

I try to do any gardening that needs to be done early in the morning or just before sundown when the temps are not at their peak and to spite the heat I have still been able to gather enough flowers to create a few floral arrangements for around the house.

My favorites this year have definitely been the zinnias but the yarrow, salvia and roses have all been beautiful as well.  Next year I would love to devote one entire bed to a mass planting of zinnias of all kinds.  They are so easy to start from seeds especially when you use these mini green house seed starter trays.  I am planning out a late summer/fall veggie garden and will be using them for that as well.

I decided at the last minute that I wanted to grow a few tomato plants before the temperatures change so I headed over to my local Home Depot and picked up a few organic plants to put into pots on the patio.  I'm not sure what the yield will be this late in the season but I figured I may as well give it a go, even if I only get enough for a few weeks of fresh salad tomatoes before I put in my cool season veggies.  That is definitely a perk of living in Southern California, you can pretty much grow some kind of edible plant year round.

The neighborhood kids head back to school next week which is a sure sign that fall is on it's way.  I have to be honest, I am none to sorry to say goodbye to summer this year.  Not that I'm rushing the seasons but I cannot wait for a dip in temps and to bring out all things pumpkin, what about you?

xo, Patty

Here is my latest YouTube video on growing vegetables in containers on the patio.  I'd love to have you subscribe if you haven't already.


  1. As I’ve said before although we have hot dry summers, the winters are horrible up here and so I never wish summer to go by quickly. I love spring and fall, but with a sense of dread in my heart that the snow is on its way. Isn’t it strange that our spirits and never happy here on earth? I hope you have a wonderful day today my friend. Blessings, Betsy

  2. Zinnia's are one garden staple that does great here in Utah!
    Lucky you to have such a nice long growing season.

    Have a happy day.

  3. I know the older I get the less I like the heat. I used to lay out in the sun for hours and never break a sweat. Nowadays, the sweat just pours off of me even in the 70's. YUCK! I can hardly believe we are talking about the kids going back to school. It starts here on August 29th. But the kids didn't start their summer vacation until June 18th. Summer just flew by!

  4. Your flowers are looking pretty. I was unable to plant my zinnia seeds this spring, so I have been missing the hummingbirds that always came to them, and then just a couple of weeks ago I noticed a "Volunteer" Cactus flower type zinnia had sprung up right at my front porch step. A big, pretty red one. It made my day yesterday when, just as I was standing looking out the front door, a beautiful shimmering green hummingbird stopped by and took his/her time getting every bit of nectar out of that zinnia flower.

  5. Although autumn is my favorite time of the year I am holding on tight to summer. The seasons pass so quickly these days. Sigh


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