on the line...

Find joy in the ordinary...

Joy really is all around us if we would but adjust our minds to look for it.

It's present even in the ordinary and routine tasks we do everyday.

It's as simple as pausing to feel the breeze in your hair and the sun warming your face as you hang laundry on the line.  And of course a few pretty fabrics blowing in the wind never hurt anything.

This original 8x 10 mixed media canvas (along with many other wonderful things made by other talented artisans) will be auctioned off by Joy from Small Town Joy on her instagram account @rileysgodpocket tomorrow, 5/1/2014, for a great cause.  Go check it out...

xo, Patty


  1. Love the canvas...the message and the cause. Have a lovely day.

  2. Hello Patty. It's always nice to feel joy. And I felt it reading your post! Susan

  3. Love your canvas. Yes, joy is all around and we just need to stop ever so often and enjoy it!!


  4. I love this project; the colors are so bright and happy!!


© Lemons and Larkspur. Design by FCD.