simple pleasure


I was out working in the garden the other day and my neighbor stopped by with these beautiful avocados from his tree.  I placed them on my wicker footstool as I went about my gardening business not noticing how the texture and color of the avocado skin and the whiteness and worn wicker texture of my footstool created such a beautiful picture worthy moment. 

After cleaning up I went to retrieve the forgotten fruit and immediately knew I needed to grab my camera. 

That’s one thing photography has taught me…

slow down and look for beauty in the everydayness of life. You never know where you might find it.

I'm linking up for Simple Pleasures at A Collection of this and that.


  1. Yes! I too love finding beauty "in the everydayness of life" and you captured it well in this photo. (P.S. I'm now a follower of Lemon Lane Cottage. Seems like a lovely place to visit.)

  2. Oh, that is a lovely picture and yes, slowing down to see the everyday beauty all around us really is a Simple Pleasure.


  3. There are little photographic moments everywhere, isn't there? I just made some guacamole the other day...mighty delicious :)

  4. I must admit, I take WAY more pictures since I started blogging. With a digital camera that has to be a good thing!


  5. "Beautiful Photos", and how lucky to have avocados in your garden! YUMMMY!

  6. I couldn't agree with you more, learning about photography is a on-going reminder to slow down and savor the little things. You've captured that perfectly.

  7. I agree!
    The contrast between the white wicker and avocado is wonderful.
    It's not hard to find beauty around us when we truly look for it :-)

  8. I love finding "beauty in the details" too. I'm sure you're going to enjoy those avocados!

  9. Welcome to Simple Pleasures and what a perfect post for the party. Great pics and I do love me some avocados.

    Thanks for slowing down and finding the beauty, and sharing it with us today.

  10. Avocado...this is truly a pleasure. I can not eat them too much, but when I do - I truly enjoy them.

    Mrs. M.

  11. Thanks for the reminder to slow down and look for the beauty right in front of our faces!! Golly, I wish I had a neighbor with an avocado tree. Now I know why so many people want to live in CA!

  12. Amen to that! I'm not a great photographer, but what I lack in skill I make up in love for it. It opens an entirely new eye, IMO.

    This is a great SP post.

  13. Love the texture in this photo.
    Love avocados, too...:)))

  14. Gorgeous avocado pictures! How fun to have some picked fresh from the tree!

  15. Hello,
    I like the details you have captured in you photographs. I love taking photos but mine still look like happy snaps...still I keep snapping away. It's fun.....
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

    Barb from Australia

  16. Oh love both of your last post and what you are catching with your camera eye...yes, slow down and I need to go pick up my camera and look through the lens at the beauty around...oh and open my ears


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